Lenovo‘s Dilip Bhatia: Here’s What My Customers Really Care About

PC Magazine
Published in
10 min readFeb 10, 2020

Bhatia, VP of global marketing and user customer experience, talks about PCs, voice interfaces, why companies need to own the employee experience, and what customers really want from a new device.

By Dan Costa

Dilip Bhatia is the vice president of global marketing and user customer experience at Lenovo. He’s been leading product development at the company by putting customer experience first. We had a chance to catch up at CES 2020.

Dan Costa: CES is known for being a big TV [trade] show, but there are actually a lot of announcements not just about PCs but PC-related devices that Lenovo has brought to the show. Can you talk a little bit about the diversity of devices?

Dilip Bhatia: Absolutely. Increasingly at Lenovo, we don’t look at computing as just PCs. We look at computers truly around us, and so my team looks at clearly innovating not only in the PC space but really a lot of adjacencies. So, think reality: augmented-reality type of devices or virtual-reality type of devices. We’ve announced devices like the Smart Frame; we’ve announced devices that are Alexa-ready, Google Assistant-ready, with our smart tabs and so on. So increasingly, computing is all around us, and that’s where you’re seeing a number of devices that are basically giving a choice to customers.

I know you’ve used the line, ‘It’s not about a PC, it’s about personal computing.’ Lenovo is one of the first companies that really brought the smart assistants into the home, and you’re supporting multiple platforms. Can you talk about what you’ve learned about how people are using these connected devices in the home?

We’re big on voice. And if you think about it, a typical human types 40 words per minute-but you and I, it’s 140 words per minute. Voice is just so natural. It just makes so much sense. And increasingly, customers are influenced by their smartphones. Today, I don’t type text messages, I talk to my text messages. Our customers are that way, too. They want to be able to use voice. So how do we make computing increasingly ambient, it’s around us.

A good example is smart speakers—people are so used to the smart speakers: “Alexa, what’s the weather today?” Or, “Hey Google, tell me the score of X, Y, Z game”. Why not bring that into the PC itself? We’ve partnered with Alexa, with Amazon, but also with Google… And it really is providing a choice to customers. There are obviously multiple ecosystems, whether it’s Amazon or Google, and Lenovo truly believes in providing the choice.

Have you learned anything about how people are using these devices in the home?

There are a number of ways we listen to customers, and we’re using a lot of big data analytics. For example, today my team is analyzing 20 million comments, scraping the data and truly assigning a sentiment index in terms of, do people like this feature or don’t they like this feature. So every product that Lenovo has, [we analyze] the top five things people like or dislike? And based on that, we’re constantly innovating on the products.

You’d be surprised that the №1 issue people talk about is displays. Display is №1, №2 is audio, battery-it’s really the fundamental-step basics that people are looking for. Voice, honestly, doesn’t show up in the top 10 lists. It’s so early. But over time, I see voice coming much more in a lot more products. But right now from a customer standpoint, the focus is fundamentals: How do we provide a better display, better audio, better driver support, just reducing the number of blue screens?That’s what people really care about.

When people complain about display, or they say display is the most important thing, what are they looking for? They’re looking for resolution; are they looking for touch features?

Believe it or not, it’s not resolution. And we’ve done a lot of research in this space. It boils down to brightness-the color gamut, the blackness, right? A lot of the retailers want to sell 4K, and 4K is great if you’re watching the video or doing a lot of photography. But for most people, they just want to be able to be productive, be able to do their word document or Excel spreadsheets. And honestly, a full HD or WHD is more than good enough. So brightness matters, right. The color gamut matters. The resolution is probably №3 or №4 on the list.

One of the products you announced at the show is the Lenovo Yoga 5G laptop. There are a couple of ways to look at that. Is this just a laptop with 5G built in, or is this a genuinely new type of product that’s going to enable new use cases?

I honestly believe it will generate a lot of new use cases. People aren’t looking for 5G. What people care about is download times, low latency. That’s what people care about. And 5G just enables that. I still think we have a long way to go; it’s just a start. Just one space. But the biggest benefit I see is early in the commercial space. Imagine every commercial environment where there’s low latency—you can basically download stuff, have video collaboration. Imagine having 5G in hospitals and doing remote surgeries, and so on. So to me, 5G is a game-changer, and we’re really bullish on it. And the Yoga 5G is just our first attempt. Lenovo was the first one to the Yoga 5G PC, but it’s just a start on that innovation.

Lenovo Yoga 5G

We talked about the business applications. One of the things I keep waiting to happen is for voice assistants and smart devices to come into the boardrooms and meeting rooms and be used in the office. We’re very comfortable with these devices in our homes, and yet it seems like the workplace environment is lagging behind. Do you have any idea why?

It is. We do a number of customer-advisory councils throughout the world where we’re talking to a lot of the IT managers to understand some of the pain points. And honestly, they realize it’s a challenge. The biggest thing that is driving that [challenge] is the war for talent. They want some of the best talent, they want to be able to enable their offices to be a more collaborative type of environment, which is why one of the devices that we’ve recently launched is Distinct Smart View. It’s your personal device for video conferencing. Today what happens is when I get on a video conference call, it basically takes up my entire screen. Well, what if I could offload that to a small personal device, that sits right next to me and I still have my PC available. So that’s one of the simple innovations that we’ve done. But when we’ve talked to a lot of the IT managers, they want the conference room solution to be instant-on meetings to start on-time video collaboration, which we know improves productivity, drives better outcomes. We’re certainly getting there, but we still have a ways to go.

There’s also a big opportunity in the workplace for IT to work with employees. I know when we survey our employees, the tools they use to do their jobs are hugely important to them.


Part of why they work there is because they’ve got great tools, and yet in a lot of companies… IT on your first day of work sets up your PC, and then walks away until something breaks, and then they come back. It seems to me there should be a little bit more cooperation training and working with the employee to really help them get the most out of their tools. Have you done any research in that area?

As you know one of my fancy titles that I have is the chief customer experience officer at Lenovo. And I truly believe that for a company to be truly customer-centric, you have to be employee-centric first. In order for us to be employee-centric… Traditionally, you’re right-it used to be IT. But today it’s not just IT that you’re dealing with. You’re dealing with real estate, you’re dealing with facilities, you’re dealing with HR. All these teams have to come together to be able to provide that employee experience.

Who really owns that employee experience? And some of the companies are really starting to put a lot of focus on that. I honestly feel this is a great opportunity, where companies will start to put chief employee experience officers, not just customer experience officers, to look at—really from an end-to-end perspective—are we addressing some of the coordinates for employees? Whether it’s the software, the tools… Most employees that I talk to, honestly, the number-one thing they do is talk about is, “Make it easy for me to do my work.” They’re not looking for fancy coffee bars or climbing walls. Most employees care about, “Just give me the tools to get my work done.”

I want to ask you some of the questions I ask everybody that comes on the show. Is there a technology trend that keeps you up at night?

I get excited about what technology can go do for individuals and businesses. It’s not that what keeps me up, it’s really what gets me excited. I’ll give you a simple example. Recently we partnered with Starlight Children’s Foundation. The Starlight Children’s Foundation works in a number of hospitals around the US, and they provide augmented-reality headsets. And what we recently found was using virtual reality… the doctors have been able to significantly reduce the amount of pain medication that the children actually need. That’s because it distracts them… and put them in different states. And they don’t need as much pain medication. They don’t even have to have anesthesia done if they are in a virtual-reality environment, and obviously this is very early, it’s very new, but the promise of the technology is what gets me excited.

Let’s think about patient outcomes—we’re working with a nonprofit… in Peru where they use VR to help the patient go through their oncological procedures. It really improves the patient experience. So to me, it’s not what keeps me up. It really what gets me excited about the promise of technology that’s to come.

So there’s nothing that concerns you. There’s nothing that worries you. Privacy, data?

No, absolutely, absolutely. Privacy, data are huge. We recently announced a software set of tools through our Lenovo Vantage which helps users identify who’s phishing and some of the attacks that are available. There was a 2019 world survey that said a lot of consumers feel like they don’t know what companies are doing with their data… There’s a tremendous amount of focus on privacy, artificial intelligence. It’s so early. At Lenovo, we don’t store any data, and we’re very much committed to privacy. And we’re providing tools to consumers so that they have a better control of their smart home environment, or in a business, using technologies like Think Shield, to basically protect the business environment.

Do you have any advice for people who are concerned about this new world of AI and automation? Any advice for them about how to navigate this new world?

I think you have to really put the customer at the focus and center of everything you do. And as long as you do that—understand what their challenges are, what are their concerns… There’s obviously data, identity, and a number of areas. And as long as companies are focusing on the business challenges and respecting individuals’ privacy, they’ll do the right thing. So we truly need to stay very close to the customer, and as long as we do that, that’ll drive a lot of innovation and drive trust, which is what customers-both businesses and individuals-are looking for.

Lenovo Smart Display 7

Is there a product or service or gadget that you use every day that still inspires wonder?

I was just telling someone earlier this morning—we have a Lenovo smart display, and I’ve got an 11-year-old and a 13-year-old and a 17-year-old, and especially with 11- and 13-year-olds, they’ll just sit back and look at their old pictures, their vacation pictures, our family pictures from five years ago, 10 years ago, when they were little babies. And they do it every day. I didn’t expect that, but it drives a lot of conversation. It’s a great tool to bring families together. Obviously, it’s got the Google Assistant or Alexa type of voice-recognition capability, but I love that my kids use it every day. It’s a very simple Lenovo smart display, the 8-inch and the 10-inch version that we sell. To me, something as simple as that, I really like that it brings the families together.

Lenovo Smart Frame

It’s really amazing that generations now have a visual history of their entire life documented in digital and always available, so that it’s literally on the kitchen counter whenever they want to look for it.

And that’s what really drove the Smart Frame. If you think about [the fact] that we just announced the 21.5-inch, you’ve got thousands and thousands, billions of photographers. I mean, I was reading a stat, there are a billion pictures taken every day. What do you do with that? How do you bring that alive? Really, the Smart Frame is really about, how do you make those memories come alive for families?

The extraordinary thing is the facial ID. You really can just find all the pictures of any individual person in the family, and then go back through time and see the evolution of their life. It’s pretty exciting.

It is, it is. And that’s what I honestly feel, that’s what gets me excited to come to work, is really the promise of technology. Yes, there are certain concerns that companies need to think about, but there’s a tremendous amount of benefit that technology has provided, and we want to continue to innovate in this space.

So how can users follow what Lenovo is doing, follow what you’re doing and now all of your great customer-experience design research?

Through my LinkedIn and Twitter. Twitter is @dilipbhatia, so follow me on that. I’m very active on Twitter and on LinkedIn.

Great, Dilip—thanks so much for talking to me today.

My pleasure, thank you so much.

Originally published at https://www.pcmag.com.

