Sorry, Elon: Fully Autonomous Tesla Vehicles Will Not Happen Anytime Soon

PC Magazine
Published in
5 min readJul 16, 2020

Elon Musk says Tesla vehicles could soon be fully self-driving, with no human intervention needed. But self-driving cars rely on deep learning, and the technology just isn’t there yet.

By Ben Dickson

In a typically bold statement, Tesla CEO Elon Musk declared earlier this month that his company’s vehicles are on the brink of becoming fully autonomous. This raised more than a few doubtful eyebrows, including mine.

“I’m extremely confident that Level 5 autonomy, or essentially complete autonomy, will happen, and I think it will happen very quickly,” Musk said in a video message to the World Artificial Intelligence Conference in Shanghai. “I remain confident that [Tesla] will have the basic functionality for Level 5 autonomy complete this year.”

Musk’s optimism is commendable and is certainly the kind of spirit that spurs innovation. But given the known shortcomings of deep-learning algorithms, the main technology used in Tesla’s self-driving features, it’s not clear how he plans to achieve that goal.

Level 5 Autonomy

Level 5 is the highest level of autonomy for self-driving cars, where “the vehicle can do all the driving in all circumstances, [and] the human occupants are just passengers and need never be involved in driving,” according to the US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

“In other words, driving completely autonomously, without any need for human intervention, day or night, in any weather condition, on any road or highway, anywhere in any city or other location,” says Professor Melanie Mitchell of the Santa Fe Institute.

But Tesla’s Autopilot technology is currently stuck at Level 2-or partial-automation. The vehicle can autonomously perform some functions, including steering, acceleration, and braking, but Tesla requires all drivers to maintain control of the vehicle while on Autopilot. Not doing so can have fatal consequences. In one incident, a Tesla self-drove into a concrete barrier, killing the driver, who was playing a video game on his smartphone.

The Limits of Deep Learning

In his remarks to the Shanghai conference, Musk said, “I’m absolutely confident that [Level 5 autonomy] can be accomplished with the hardware that is in Tesla today…simply by making software improvements.”

Every Tesla has a front-facing radar and close-proximity ultrasonic object detectors. But the key component of its self-driving technology is a set of eight cameras powered by deep-learning AI algorithms. The AI helps Tesla cars make sense of the content of the video feeds and navigate their environment without crashing into other cars and objects. This is where Musk’s proposed software improvements are likely to happen.

(Image: Tesla)

In the past few years, deep-learning algorithms have gradually become better at detecting objects in images. But one problem remains: deep-learning systems become unreliable when encountering new situations.

“Today’s state-of-the-art self-driving cars can perform autonomously quite well as long as their ‘conditions’ remain predictable and well within the kinds of driving situations they have been trained on,” Mitchell says. “The problem comes with unexpected situations that don’t closely match the cars’ training regimes.”

In 2016, Tesla’s AI algorithm failed to detect a white tractor-trailer truck against a bright sky, which resulted in a fatal crash because the car’s AI had not seen such scenery during its training and was unable to detect the truck.

One solution is what’s become known as “ throwing more data at the problem”: Train the deep-learning algorithm with more and more data in hopes of covering every possible situation. This is one area in which Tesla excels, because it is constantly collecting data from its hundreds of thousands of cars to train and fine-tune its algorithms.

But while Tesla cars will probably never mishandle “white tractor against a bright sky” and “concrete barrier in the middle of the road” situations again, such edge cases-as rare incidents are known-are too numerous and can’t be predicted in advance.

“People in the self-driving-car industry talk about the ‘long tail’ of unlikely situations-ones that do not normally appear in day-to-day driving, so are unlikely for any given vehicle to encounter, but are so numerous that each ‘tail’ situation will occur for some car somewhere on a regular basis,” Mitchell says. “It’s impossible to train an AI system on all such situations.”

AI Needs Some Common Sense

Human drivers don’t need to know everything to make reasonable decisions when facing new situations. We handle edge cases by tapping into our knowledge of the world and people. We know that an unattended child might risk running in the middle of the street. We know to drive cautiously when the car in front of us is swerving dangerously, indicating that the driver is either drunk, sleepy, or distracted. And we know slippery roads are dangerous, even if it’s our first time driving on one.

But current AI systems lack common sense, intuitive physics, basic psychology, and other elements that make us humans general problem solvers. Deep-learning systems are number-crunching engines that compare the data they’re seeing with what they’ve seen before.

“At present, I would say that humans are still far more trustworthy drivers than self-driving cars if those cars are going to be allowed to drive ‘under all conditions,’” Mitchell says.

In recent years, there has been a push to integrate common sense into deep-learning systems. In last year’s NeurIPS AI conference, Yoshua Bengio, an award-winning deep-learning pioneer, spoke of “ system 2 deep learning” algorithms that parse data into the kind of abstract, high-level concepts that are associated with human intelligence. Researchers at MIT and IBM are working on hybrid AI systems that integrate human-encoded rules into neural networks. Other scientists are working on self-supervised learning, a type of deep learning that, like a child, can explore its environment and discover the rules by itself.

But all these efforts are still in the preliminary research stage and haven’t resulted in any breakthroughs. If the past is prologue, it’ll be years before any of these projects turn into commercially viable products.

“I think giving machines enough common sense so that they will be able to deal with all the possible driving situations humans can deal with is a very long-term project-many decades at least,” Mitchell says.

To Musk’s credit, his habit of making bold statements and not shying away from ideas that others deem crazy has largely contributed to his becoming a successful entrepreneur leading a car company worth more than Ford and General Motors combined.

But it also means that many of his ventures fail. In 2015, he predicted Tesla would reach full autonomous driving by 2018. Yet in 2020, Tesla’s Autopilot support page still reads: “While using Autopilot, it is your responsibility to stay alert, keep your hands on the steering wheel at all times and maintain control of your car.” Unless Musk has a very neat trick up his sleeve, that advisory will still be on Tesla’s website in 2021.

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