The Scariest Things We Saw at Black Hat 2021

PC Magazine
Published in
6 min readAug 9, 2021


Shutterstock / Olena.07

The annual hacker conference showcases the best and most frightening research for the year.

By Max Eddy , Kim Key & Neil J. Rubenking

Every year, the Black Hat security conference gathers the best and most frightening security research in one (sometimes digital) place. Here’s what impressed and worried us in 2021.

Another Virtual Year

Last year, Black Hat was entirely virtual. This year, attendees had the option to tune in virtually or attend in person. We chose the former and spent another year behind our respective home desks and not in the glittering expanse of Las Vegas. It seems we weren’t the only ones. The pictures we saw on social media showed a much quieter, emptier Black Hat.

In his closing keynote, Black Hat and Def Con Founder Jeff Moss took it in stride: “It seems weird to me,” said Moss. “But good weird. Like, less pressurized.”

3 Separate Keynotes

