Will We Ever Be Able to Upload Our Brains?

PC Magazine
Published in
6 min readMay 8, 2020

We’re in an era of remarkably high-concept situation comedies, with shows Have you ever thought about uploading your brain to save your memories? The release of Amazon’s ‘Upload’ series has us thinking about the work being done to preserve human consciousness.

By K. Thor Jensen

We’re in an era of remarkably high-concept situation comedies, with shows like The Good Place using the 22-minute joke-packed framework to explore some of humanity’s deepest issues. Premiering on Amazon Prime this week is a new show created by Greg Daniels of The Office, and it looks to be a contender.

The premise is something out of Black Mirror and similar to Altered Carbon. When a young man named Nathan dies young, his consciousness is transferred into a sort of digital afterlife. With a living customer service rep checking in on him, he must adapt to a new eternal life (or at least until the servers shut down).

If this sounds familiar, it’s something that sci-fi writers and futurists have been thinking about for decades. Let’s take a head trip to examine the possibilities.

The Whole Brain

Often referred to as “whole brain emulation,” the concept of capturing every piece of data in your meaty mind and transferring it to a digital simulation is a fascinating one. It’s a natural outgrowth of the quest for eternal life, something that has preoccupied humanity for centuries. Our ancestors had lots of ideas for never dying — in ancient China, the country’s first Emperor Qin Shi Huang wanted to rule forever, but chugging mercury sulfide brought him to an early grave instead.

One of the first fictional examples of the concept came in a short story by Edmond Hamilton published in the April 1936 issue of Amazing Stories. Titled “Intelligence Undying,” it follows an aged scientist who devises a method to imprint his entire brain onto a newborn baby, essentially over-writing the child’s personality entirely. It works, and the man lives for hundreds of generations, using his eternal mind to eventually rule the Earth.

The rise of cyberpunk culture in the ’80s and ’90s, coinciding with the adoption of the worldwide internet, made people think more deeply about digital life. William Gibson’s landmark Neuromancer features an “infomorph,” a software copy of a notorious hacker who is deleted after his job is done. James Cameron’s Avatar featured a soldier who has his consciousness transplanted into an alien body.

At this point, the biological mind uploaded to a digital world or a new body is a sci-fi trope. But we’ve learned that many outrageous ideas from fiction eventually do come true, and people are already working on it.

Weird Science

The path to completely mapping every aspect of a brain is complicated. It requires incredibly precise scanning of the neurons, the cells that carry electrical impulses, as well as the synapses that link them together. The end result is a 3D rendering called a “connectome,” and the good news is that science has already made one.

The bad news is that it was of a Caenorhabditis elegans roundworm, which has 302 total neurons in its brain as compared to a human being’s 86 million. A task with that complexity would take, as Francis Collins, head of the National Institutes of Health, told Smithsonian, “a million electron microscopes running in parallel for 10 years.”

Current science is split on whether technology will ever reach a level where that task is possible. That roundworm connectome, however, has already seen a digital life. In 2014, the OpenWorm project that mapped the brain decided to replicate it as software and install it in a Lego robot that was capable of the same sensory and motor actions as the biological model.

Without any additional programming, the team claims the robot worm behaved identically to a real one, recoiling from touch and moving towards food. It’s not an exact analog, as the nerves in the worm’s body are approximated by hard-wired sensors, but it proves a point.

Already we’re raising some pretty intense questions here — is this Lego replica of a roundworm a sentient being? Is it distinct from the worm it was copied from? These are the kind of issues that will come to the fore as we get closer and closer to whole brain emulation.

That hasn’t stopped some people from trying to sell it already. In 2018, startup Nectome announced that it had developed a method to preserve the human brain until the date that advanced scanning methods are practical. Only one issue: it has to be fresh. As in, you have to be alive when they do the process, which kills you.

That’s a pretty bold bet to take on the future, but Nectome CEO Robert McIntyre believes in his technology, pitching it as a way to save your precious memories rather than create a full digital simulacrum of your consciousness. Over 30 people have put down a $10,000 deposit to be on the list for preservation.

Other researchers are taking a more granular approach to digitizing the mind. Researcher Theodore Berger at the University of Southern California is developing an electronic prosthesis for the hippocampal region of the brain, generally recognized as the area that manages memory. The device monitors and encodes the sequence of neurons firing and can then replay them.

In rats, it was able to restore a memory of pulling levers in a sequence. A rat brain is significantly less complex than a human’s, but the general principle is the same. Berger’s team is investigating human applications to help people with brains damaged by Alzheimer’s and other degenerative diseases.

Immortality Isn’t Cheap

The famous quote goes “you can’t take it with you,” but many super-rich people are trying to make it so they never have to go anywhere. Some of the major bankrolls behind digital immortality include SirusXM founder Martine Rothblatt, Russian multi-millionaire Dmitry Itskov, Elon Musk, and Google co-founder Sergey Brin.

Even with their combined fortunes being thrown at the problem, it’s unlikely they’ll see a solution in their lifetimes. While some notables believe the human-machine singularity will arrive by 2045, others think the technology is hundreds of years in the future.

One question many futurists wrestle with is the environment in which their digital consciousnesses will live. Some proponents of brain preservation believe we’ll be able to build humanoid robots that can duplicate or even improve on our past bodies, while others think re-entering physical space would be pointless for a creature of pure mind.

Scientists differ on their thought of exactly what constitutes a “pure mind.” One group believes the brain is essentially an incredibly complex machine, and when we fully understand the electrical and chemical reactions going on inside that gray blob of goo we can simulate it perfectly, given a strong enough computer. Others believe there is some spark — call it the soul, or free will — that elevates us out of a purely mechanistic worldview. Needless to say, this is pretty tough to prove.

Complicating matters further, recent research into the nervous system indicates that the brain might not be the sole center of thought in the human body. The digestive system is lined with 100 million nerve cells, and vagal neurons there can transmit signals to the brain faster than you can blink. Some research indicates that mental conditions like depression and autism may be linked to this nerve network.

Will digital preservation of consciousness have to scan the gut biome as well? How much of our physical self needs to be electronically encoded to be indistinguishable from the original? What is the “self,” really? These, and dozens of other questions, need to be answered before we jack in and upload ourselves to the Matrix.

Probably the best thing you can do right now is watch Upload and decide if immortality is really worth it after all.

Originally published at https://www.pcmag.com.

