My Journey As a PCOS Diva

Madhurima Nag
PCOS Health
Published in
2 min readFeb 13, 2020


I’m a certified engineer with no experience.

I’m a tech explorer who’s always on the Internet.

I’m a social media geek who’s had trouble facing people in her teens.

And yes, I’m a PCOS Diva.

Not so long ago, I didn’t know anything about that term. I just knew that PCOS has made my life quite different from those around me. I just knew I couldn’t eat all the junk without bloating up, I couldn’t wake up without feeling groggy each morning, and I couldn’t control my mood swings. I felt hopeless all throughout my teens and it was only when I joined the work I wanted to do that I started feeling better. So much better that I couldn’t really figure out when to stop working.

My husband started pointing that out to me only a year or two ago and I didn’t take his words seriously. I thought I am just working extra hours because I love my work but it wasn’t so. After a few months, I realized I wasn’t as productive as I used to be. And that’s what triggered the journey of being a PCOS Diva in me.

Today, after about a year of living this new life, I feel it’s time I start journaling whatever little I learnt so far. So, if you would like to know more about my story and how I have evolved as an individual with PCOS, keep reading my blog snippets.

P.S. Don’t forget to share your feedback at the same time.



Madhurima Nag
PCOS Health

Head of Social Media @thegadgetflow Love technology & digital media! The other side of me highlights an individual struggling to live healthy.