Building a ‘meta movement’ will help the social sector flex its power

Laura Deaton argues in SSIR that the social sector has what it takes to drive demand for the policy changes needed to create shared prosperity

Christine O'Connor
P Cubed
2 min readJul 9, 2021


Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

No global issue exists in a vacuum. Our challenges, from climate change to racial inequity to poverty, are all interconnected. In an article published in Stanford Social Innovation Review, Multiplier Executive Director Laura Deaton argues that by building a “movement of movements” that applies grassroots strategies and embraces intersectionality, the social sector can drive policy changes to build a more just and habitable world. We already have the tools, she asserts. We just need to use them.

The Social Sector Needs a Meta Movement

By Laura Deaton

Imagine a world where the social sector exercises the full measure of its power and influence, fueled by its more than 12 million employees and 64 million volunteers. Imagine people who are fighting for living wages, women’s rights, early childhood education, racial justice, and climate action locking arms and pushing for broad social and environmental progress. Imagine a movement of movements with a bold, integrated policy agenda that drives real progress toward a more healthy, sustainable, resilient, and equitable world — not in some utopian future, but in the next decade.

If we click the heels of our ruby slippers together, we can go to that place.

OK, it’s not quite that easy. But we already have what we need to make it happen: the people, organizational models, and money. All of us — nonprofits, activists, funders, capacity builders, and knowledge providers — need to summon the vision and willingness to reach beyond our current bounds. And then we need to just do it.

Right now, we’re living in a social sector version of the tragedy of the commons, with organizations and coalitions pursuing their goals in silos and advocating only for their own narrow band of policy prescriptions. This problem is deep and wide — it’s happening both within and across movements — and it draws down the power of the sector as a whole. It’s time — actually well past time — to apply tried-and-true templates for grassroots movement building to the entire social sector and create demand for public policy changes that will move the needle toward long-term shared prosperity.

Read the full story.

