Opiria - the ‘Partner in Crime’ for Your Business

3 min readMar 21, 2018


How important is personal data for a business?

In the ever more competitive world of today, companies realize more and more the importance of their customer’s opinion and the effect these have on the current market. The lesson is that products and services must strive to fulfill the deepest human desires of their target customers. Additionally, companies need to put the right advertising and sales strategy in place. They need to know and understand their target customers, the best channels to reach them, the right advertising message, and the right time to offer and advertise the product or service.

How is a company affected by personal data?

Taking into account the fact that companies need to value the individuals which represent their target market, it is a challenge for all of them to have a database with relevant, high-quality information, based on accurate personal data. The main problem seems to appear when things start getting too personal. In fact, on average, 55% of all consumers are not comfortable with sharing any kind of personal data. This percentage increases to 97% when it comes to private personal data. Combined with an increasingly technically affine consumer profile, this has resulted in the average consumer taking steps to protect their personal data, including but not limited to, using adblock software, falsifying data that they feel is too personal, and other such actions.

The takeaway is clear: it’s getting harder to gather qualitative personal data from consumers.

Opiria — your partner for a successful business

Designed to create trustworthy long-term collaborations, Opiria enables your company to buy personal data directly from consumers, without the intervention of any middlemen and with their full consent, respecting the highest standards of the upcoming General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) EU-wide regulations. Moreover, consumer acquisition strategies include rewarding users (in PDATA tokens) for joining the platform, taking surveys, transmitting data from wearables, giving feedback from the usage of products and services and much more — all the while providing full control and management of all personal data to the consumer, including full discretion regarding who is the owner of the data.

This new approach leads to a fully transparent, open and secure marketplace, which will motivate consumers to provide data instead of fighting against the current system’s undercover data brokers. In this way, your company will have a quick and easy way to access more specific, and thus of higher quality, personal data that will lead to much better marketing, R&D, and company policy decisions — especially when designing innovative products and services.

Fewer failed products or services and fewer failed investments. Better yet, such practices increase brand reputation, public relations and lead to more appealing customer care, that in turn improves customer experience. Spending on advertising can also be reduced dramatically, as high-quality data allows for focused and successful marketing campaigns.

In summary, the new and more ethical approach, that the Opiria platform is bringing to the table, allows your company to increase its market share, improve its profit margins and raise public brand perceptions, all the while remaining fully-compliant with the upcoming GDPR European standards on the acquisition and processing of personal data.

In the (near) future, your business won’t afford to not be connected to such an advanced data trading platform. Be among the early adopters, benefit from this global shift and inspire other businesses to join our revolution.

You can support this new movement towards an ethical approach to personal data by contributing to Opiria’s TGE (Token Generation Event) here. The public sale will start on April, 10th.

As always, follow Opiria on Twitter // Telegram // Facebook to be updated of our progress.




We are creating a global decentralized marketplace for the secure and transparent buying and selling of personal data.