Demo calls, and how we try to manage those at their best

Michal Líška
PDF Generator API
Published in
3 min readNov 9, 2020

…focusing on SaaS businesses.

As you probably already know, the basic credo of every demo call is to acquire a new customer into your lead pipeline. Demo guideline can be, or even is a crucial part of this process. In our article, we will describe and demonstrate what steps we are taking to make the demo process of a new customer as successful as possible, which steps to avoid, and how to differentiate a product-oriented demo call from a customer-oriented one.

Let’s start with a short but nevertheless necessary definition:

A demo presentation involves a visual demonstration of your product or service to potential customers. This is where you have the chance to inform the customer of anything that will help you close the sale.

Bring the customer’s story to the forefront, try to understand them, and answer the next steps to their needs.

Although this phrase may seem like a cliché, keep in mind that this is one of the main factors for success in the whole lead generation process. The outcome should be the steps that are characteristic of a demo of your product. The resolution of this “conflict”, following pre-defined steps, should lead to a successful closing of the deal. The whole pre-process could be divided into 5 main parts:

1. Find a suitable scheduling software
In our SaaS company PDF Generator API, we do prefer Calendly as our registration software. We’ve recently added a user form before creating the application itself. This will allow us to obtain some necessary information that we can follow up on in the following steps.

2. Synchronize your calendar and update it regularly to avoid any overlapping bookings

3. Do some preliminary research on the customer before the demo call so you are aware of their background

During the demo call

  • ask about the goal they are trying to achieve = approach of the demo
  • try to mention only the relevant information and build on that in the following steps. This means highlighting the pros of your SaaS business
  • try to differentiate between a product-oriented demo call and a customer-oriented one
  • during the demo, follow the pre-prepared main points, including the most crucial ones to the customers needs
  • maintain communication with the customer, ask them what is he thinking about in regular intervals

Distinguish between three main stages

  • opening part — identify the customer, ask what problem are they trying to solve, what is the company goal, what should be the result of the solution, who will use it on daily basis, and how
  • main part — demonstrate the product, show how the product/service can help them, at the end of the main part pricing should be presented and communicated
  • closing part- last but not least, identify and inform the customer of the next steps, agree on those, make sure that the customer is sure how to contact you, ask for any remaining question from their side, and finally thank them for their attention

…JUST be yourself, not a training bot…

If you are looking for a more step by step oriented tutorial, I would recommend you to follow one of my favorite links in the description below:



Michal Líška
PDF Generator API

Adapting IT products and solutions to complex customer environments.