Our (ongoing) road to Product Hunt (part 1 of many)

Sven Lillepalu
PDF Generator API
Published in
2 min readApr 14, 2020

Let me tell you — getting all our ducks in a row to launch our product — PDF Generator API — on Product Hunt has proven a lot more complex of a task than initially anticipated.

PDF Generator API is a wonderful product that allows its users to create and manage PDF document templates, merge those with data already existing in their CRM or other systems and turn out beautiful looking customer-facing documents. Who would not want to use that, right?

So — having developed this into the product it is today (which, by the way, has taken years), we figured it might be a good idea to launch the latest build of PDFGAPI (how about that for an acronym) also on Product Hunt. How difficult of a task can it be, right? Well — spoiler alert — a lot more difficult than one would think.

Sure — you could do it in a simple way — just build a landing page for your product and submit it, right? That could get you some upvotes and possibly even followers, but a proper launch takes months of planning, building “an army of followers” ahead of the launch and getting your launch day planned out to the minute. Because at the end of the day — if you do not reach the front page of Product Hunt — you might as well call it a fail. So — all of these were factors we had not considered. Back to the drawing board.

By now we have built a landing page for the product, imported all our loyal users to the subscriber list and are planning our next steps as we speak (or write, in this case). Who knew this would that big of an effort? Not us!

We will keep you posted on our next steps and who knows — maybe even the planned launch date within a few months? :P

P.S Meanwhile — go check us out on Product Hunt and sign up for updates! :)

