The Truth about VCs and Women-owned Businesses

Alex Nelson
PDX Impact
Published in
1 min readSep 16, 2017

HINT: It’s not good, but it is getting better.

A few quick quotes from a Forbes article regarding a 2015 study started by First Round Capital about gender diversity in venture capital.

“What First Round found: startups with at least one woman on the founding team performed 63% better than those with all-male leadership. Of its ten best investments by value at the time, three — Birchbox, Ringly, and Wanelo — were founded by women.”

“While it isn’t much of a silver lining, it’s worth noting that the situation for businesses with women on the executive team has improved since 1999. That year, fewer than 4% of startups with at least one woman at the helm received funding. Today, that figure is 15%.”

Here’s a link to the study:



Alex Nelson
PDX Impact

Founder/CEO of Impact Capital Management LLC & PDX Impact Loan Fund.