Addressing the liquidity challenge

Published in
2 min readFeb 15, 2022

Improving the liquidity in DEX trading platforms is one way to help encourage mainstream adoption.

Of course, many factors contribute to the liquidity of an asset. But, if the ways in which consumers make monetary transactions using cryptocurrencies could be simplified, then it’s not difficult to imagine that the demand for such assets would increase.

There’s little doubt that trading cryptocurrencies will continue to take place on different kinds of exchanges for the foreseeable future without a single, more stable asset emerging to keep their value in check.

This means that overcoming market fragmentation and liquidity problems will require a unique solution — which PDX Coin has.

One approach to solving the challenges that exist in DEX exchanges is to reduce the cost of the switch for cryptocurrency traders. If an on-chain platform can tap into multiple reserves, and lower the barriers of switching from one exchange to another by working with various wallet providers,
then users can log into their wallets and execute a token conversion without ever leaving their wallets.

This allows receipts to access payments from any token that a DEX platform supports.

Token-to-token convertibility is not the only approach to solving the liquidity challenge.

There are many other unique ideas on how to help users execute crossnetwork transactions seamlessly and at reasonable rates — and these solutions are opening up entirely new ways for the greater public to participate in the cryptocurrency ecosystem.

Furthermore, liquidity is not the only factor in the adoption of the technology, but it stands to be a critical component in how the market matures.

Promoting liquidity in the blockchain ecosystem, and specifically in DEX exchanges, will be key to improving the general public’s perception of cryptocurrencies as a valuable way to trade currencies safely and securely.

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