At the PDX / entity level

Published in
2 min readFeb 18, 2022

At an entity or token level, liquidity is also a function of (a) the specific features, utility, and advantages of the cryptocurrency product on offer, and (b) how widely adopted and held the cryptocurrency is in the marketplace. The more people and entities owning, trading, and using the token, and the more exchanges it is available on, then the better the liquidity. In this respect it is not unlike traded equity securities.

Other factors can affect liquidity, such as whether or not there is the ability to trade and hedge PDX in the derivatives markets, i.e. options and futures, and the ability to exchange it with other cryptocurrencies and fiat/sovereign currencies.

PDX market liquidity may be minimal in the very short-term but can be expected to grow very substantially as the token is more widely adopted and known, and promoted, particularly following the upcoming series of public sales and distributions.

The more widely adopted and known, the greater will be its utility as a medium of exchange and payments, and the more readily convertible it will be into other currencies.

Perhaps unique to PDX, for now at least, our post-Public Offering cryptocurrency exchange, payments processing capability, and banking infrastructure and deposit base will greatly facilitate this feature.

We will ensure that PDX will be traded on as many cryptocurrency exchanges as possible, globally, with fast transaction times and minimal transaction costs.

Our goal is to have at least 3,000,000 PDX token holders within 2 years, via the public and private sales, bounty programs, social media-fueled market demand, and limited airdrops.

While it isn’t possible or practical to try to accurately predict how PDX will trade in secondary markets post-Public Offering, some indications can be gleaned from looking at the daily performance and trading volumes of many other cryptocurrencies, through the coinmarketcap website.

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