Overview Of Global Cryptocurrency Market

Published in
2 min readFeb 11, 2022

Benefits of Cryptocurrencies

PDX-based transactions, like other digital currencies, will be recorded in a blockchain distributed ledger. As a result, transactions in PDX Coin will be trustless, censorshipresistant, permissionless, and private. Unlike other forms of asset control or money transfer, once a transaction in PDX is confirmed by the blockchain network, it will become irreversible. PDX will utilize best available protocols for digital currencies and will help promote the ongoing change in the way global financial transactions occur by removing artificial barriers caused by legacy financial institutions, enabling:

✓ True anonymous digital payments anywhere in the world
✓ Very low transaction fees and fast processing times compared to traditional methods
✓ Payments between anonymous parties, ensuring privacy

Volatility and Dominance of Leading Cryptocurrencies

The volatility displayed by leading digital currencies as they compete for global dominance has given markets and investors a way to speculate, as new digital currencies continue to emerge. The market role of a digital currency like PDX — which is fully digital and blockchain supported but is also directly linked to and supported by tangible asset values — can be expected to be an increasingly important one in future years.

Market Position of PDX

PDX’s projected gross theoretical market capitalization of all 5 billion tokens created on completion its series of Global Public Sales is US$500 billion, assuming a $100 token price, which, if all were issued, would place it among the world’s 3 largest cryptocurrencies based on today’s crypto market.

With a projected up to 150 million tokens in general circulation upon closing of the Public offering series, we therefore project, at the Offering Price, a market capitalization in the order of $15 billion billion. This doesn’t take into account additional tokens that may be issued in connection with potential strategic acquisitions in the banking, payments, and technology spaces.

Why PDX?

PDX is designed to be simple, and to function as a usable day-to-day currency, as crypto adoption continues to take hold. Even a cursory examination quickly shows that none of the other so-called “cryptocurrencies” could ever realistically be seen or used as a CURRENCY. PDX has purpose, functionality, and critical mass.

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