PDX addresses a core cryptocurrency problem, in the payments sphere

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2 min readFeb 1, 2022

PROBLEM: Limited ability to spend digital currency in everyday life limits the growth of the entire industry.

SOLUTION: To enable stores, merchants, and other service providers globally to accept payments in cryptocurrency, seamlessly and easily for merchant and consumer alike.

The vast majority of existing merchants, and services vendors, don’t yet accept cryptocurrencies. This is due partly to the volatility of the market, as well as the lack of an existing payment infrastructure, and their overall inability to be used within quick micro-transactions. PDX is developing a method to enable universal de facto crypto payment acceptance through its new send/receive app that instantly exchanges crypto for fiat during the transaction.

PDX believes that massive price fluctuations can be easily mitigated by widespread token ownership and usage, which is facilitated by providing users with easy ways to pay with digital currencies.

We are developing and will soon launch a solution, in tandem with our inhouse banking infrastructure, which enables any point of sale terminal to have installed a simple IOS and Android-supported application which runs to receive cryptocurrencies as simply as it does fiat money. This works for merchants because we swap out the crypto for the merchant’s preferred currency, which we settle almost instantly, while at the same time enabling the crypto own to easily spend that crypto for the first time.

The application will also facilitate online payments to merchants, vendors and others, globally, including in the metaverse.

The end goal, which underpins PDX’s inherent role as a store of value, is to make PDX easy to use and hence attractive to token holders, as well as easy to accept and convert, and hence attractive, to merchants, who will also pay much lower interchange fees. and no longer incur ongoing “technology” charges.

The internal banking infrastructure we are building is key to this effort, and we believe is a game changer, as merchants and vendors are assured of, and guaranteed, payment in any form they desire. For the merchant, the transaction is confirmed instantly, and settled, versus waiting several days now and paying up to 4% in fees. With our banking network in the middle of any transaction, the merchant can be instantly settled in any fiat currency.

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