PDX is Fully Transparent and Committed to Legal Compliance

Published in
2 min readFeb 5, 2022

Many existing digital currencies have been designed, built and managed by an individual or small team, and leading digital currencies are frequently transferred via exchanges or wallets.

Ergo, there is a “trusted third party”. However, the principals behind those third parties and their motivations are often wholly or partly unknown, and in most instances have not been subject to governmental or private scrutiny.

Cryptographic proof of existence and exchange provides assurances of existence and exchange, but nothing more. Rather than abide by the fiction that there is no trusted third party necessary to facilitate trade in digital currencies, PDX recognizes that current digital currencies could not exist without trusted third parties, and therefore will actively seek to foster that trust by providing transparent leadership and complying with applicable financial, tax, and currency regulations.

PDX is committed to legal compliance for itself, the exchanges on which it trades and its holders, buyers and sellers.

While PDX is committed to enabling the pseudonymous exchange of value, it will do so in compliance with all regulations governing such transfers.

PDX will be positioned to become a global leader in setting the standards for transparency and disclosure for digital currencies, thereby facilitating its use in global trade and commerce.

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