PDX Network Protocol (PNP) advantages

Published in
2 min readJun 20, 2022


PNP will be the only global protocol to offer instantaneous conversion of cryptocurrency via direct bank deposits at merchant point-of-sale, regardless of block time. End users need only one tap to authorize payment, with transactions (confirmed by point-of-sale) currently measured at less than a second. PNP transactions are intended to be the absolute fastest payment solution available in the world.


PNP is designed to enable the free and open use of cryptocurrency at retail. PDX will work to make PNP as accessible as possible to a wide variety of merchants. Therefore, PNP requires no proprietary license or gateway in order for developers to integrate their wallet or transmit cryptocurrency transactions.


From tap to transaction, PNP supports simple, straightforward API methods for exchange and payment. Because PNP itself is not reliant on existing payments infrastructure, payments are pre-authorized by the time they reach the rails, and authorization signatures and settlement can be combined into a single, fraud-resistant transaction. PNP’s simplicity of integration, operation, and settlement is inherent in our desire to make cryptocurrency payments simple for merchants and their customers alike.


Finally, we intend for PNP to be backwards-compatible with existing POS systems, and as interoperable with as many partners and platforms as possible. We are developing PNP toward broad accessibility and widespread acceptance — starting with the very first version of the PDXPay app, which takes advantage of existing POS integrations and requires no new hardware or merchant upgrades.

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