Technology and development of PDX

Published in
2 min readFeb 21, 2022

A strong technology backbone is essential to the establishment and operational performance of any cryptocurrency. PDX, in addition to its own in-house engineering and development team, is further supported by the following platforms and service providers:

✓ Ciklum Ltd (
✓ Unified Infotech (

Notwithstanding our present adoption of the Ethereum ERC20 Protocol, our intention is to, as soon as possible, develop and launch a new decentralized blockchain (the “Siberia Protocol”) that will sit above PDX Coin and function wholly independently of it. PDX Coin will be migrated across to this blockchain when development is complete. The Siberia Protocol will utilize smart contracts, and be open source and shardable, focused on providing high speed rapid settlements at very low cost for financial transactions, among other use cases. Its intention is to directly compete against Ethereum, Polkadot, and Cardano, and third party developers and projects will be encouraged to adopt it, particularly in the banking and payments sectors. While the basic blockchain can be completed and tested quickly, with full development we don’t expect the Siberia Protocol to be released until late-2023 based on our present momentum.

We are building out an extensive blockchain, product development, and R&D team, over time. We are internally developing our own blockchain platform and functions, including but not limited to apps and smart contracts for the mobile use of PDX in transactions payments and global transfers and apps tied to our planned internally-owned and operated commercial and retail banking units, in addition to aiding in the provision of DeFi and NFT-related products.

We are also placing a high emphasis on developing and incorporating artificial intelligence-driven apps into our product suite, as well as in the further strengthening of our token-holder security platform and features.

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