The Metaverse: A New Frontier

Published in
2 min readFeb 7, 2022

The Metaverse may be the most addictive “drug” ever conceived, and this is why its success is guaranteed.

The Metaverse, which we expect to see fully developed and as much used as today’s internet by 2027, is the rapidly emerging convergence of the internet, with the blockchain, AI, holography, and extreme computing power or even quantum computing. It’s an immersive 3-dimensional version of the internet, awaiting only improvements in the available UI hardware, and concurrent graphics capabilities driven by advanced chips before it goes truly mainstream and overtakes the current 2-D internet.

The commercial opportunities in the metaverse are as unlimited as the content possibilities, as everything on today’s internet migrates into metaverse 3-D formats, including websites, movies, games, sports, gambling, e-commerce, banking, retail experiences, travel, social media and social interaction, business meetings, medical appointments not requiring in-person physical examinations, conferences, education, design workshops, and countless other applications.

Cryptocurrency payments and the blockchain are at the core of transactions into, out of, and within the metaverse.

PDX’s primary goal is to take advantage of its crypto payments and virtual banking capabilities in the metaverse, and to that extent, even though a properly functioning and heavily-populated metaverse is some time away, we are building our technology and product base today. Our goal is to be a leader in the retail and commercial payments sector within the metaverse, in addition to offering all of our banking and lending functions inside the metaverse. This extends to a range of compliant DeFi products and services across as many legal jurisdictions as possible.

PDX also intends to, in the near future, begin making investments in, as well as forming long-term partnerships, joint ventures and alliances with, content developers in the fields of sports, gambling, gaming, and other entertainment. The goal is to have a stake in the building of popular metaverse destinations exclusively serviced by our payments and financial platforms. Our planned Siberia blockchain protocol will also be a significant participant in content creation.

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