Introduction to Peace and Poverty

Matt Malles
Peace and Poverty


In this blog, I will discuss one of the greatest challenges we face as a society today, poverty. While there are many potential ways to help the impoverished, I will focus on the most important solution, ending wars and promoting peace in unstable nations and regions. This is the first step that must be taken to solve our world's poverty problem. Without peace, we cannot begin to explore other potential solutions such as increasing education, increasing trade, and improving infrastructure.

Peace First

These other solutions come after first securing a peaceful region free from war and excessive violence, and allowing people to develop useful skills for their economy, focus on education, and become important trade partners in the global economy. While achieving peace is in itself an extremely difficult task, history and data show we are moving in the right direction and there are steps governments and people around the world can take to secure peace for all people, and consequently help remove them out of poverty.

Why Poverty?

This is a topic that I am very interested in and I am looking forward to researching and sharing my findings. First, I believe strongly that poverty is the root of many problems the world faces and that improving economic conditions will not only help the individuals in these regions, but also help our whole world and society. For example, when people have more money they are better able to buy food for themselves and their families while running more effective farms resulting in less world hunger. With reduced poverty, there would also be better access to clean water and improved infrastructure, resulting in better hospitals, schools, and other public services. Decreasing poverty is even essential in helping solve climate change as wealthier countries have better and safer technology for the environment.

Along with the positive effects reducing poverty has, I am interesting in helping the less fortunate as much as I can. I try to appreciate how fortunate I am and feel a great deal of sympathy for those living in extreme poverty who have trouble paying for human essentials. I would love to see a world where these people are helped, and I am thrilled to be researching and drawing my own conclusions on what can be done.

Why This Is Important

People from all walks of life could benefit from my findings, especially just normal, everyday people. With our world so connected through social media, everyone can make a difference and spread awareness on topics they find important. Oftentimes for policy to be made at the government level, it takes domestic pressure from citizens on the issues they care about the most.

While I am familiar with the topic of poverty, I am by no means an expert. In my research, I hope to answer questions such as what the government can do to help bring peace to nations and eventually end poverty there. I also want to see what myself, and my classmates can do to help put an end to extreme widespread poverty. Finally, it would be interesting to hear the perspective of those in extreme poverty, and what they believe will help them. These questions are important to me as I think we can’t just recognize an issue and talk about how horrible it is, but we must offer solutions and actions to solve this worldwide problem.

