Embrace every possibility, rather than to simply have no expectations.

Myadaggarav Mya
Peace of Pizza
Published in
17 min readAug 9, 2020

Peace of Pizza featuring Daniel Lang from the USA

Daniel hikes with fellow Peace Corps Trainees at Chinggis’ Khuuree ger camp outside Ulaanbaatar during his first week in Mongolia, June 2019, photographed by Kim Hawkins.

For today’s feature I want to introduce the most outgoing and adventurous person in the world, who is a writer, blogger, teacher, best friend, and a Peace Corps, Daniel Lindbergh Lang. Let’s dig into his world!

His world

Please introduce yourself

I’m Daniel Lindbergh Lang (буюу Даниел Лэйн), a 23-year-old Returned Peace Corps Volunteer who taught English at a public university in Erdenet, Mongolia. On weekends, I loved helping in the community, especially in an orphanage named “Enerel,” meaning “compassion.” I served in Mongolia from 2019 until the COVID-19 pandemic evacuated me back to the United States. I love teaching and believe in telling diverse stories to empower others. I know a bit about diversity, being a mixed Austrian-Chinese Catholic American, second oldest among five. My mother was an English professor before she immigrated to America. She was killed suddenly when I was 19. Since then, I’ve been studying, traveling and serving throughout the world, yearning to spread love and compassion.

If you were a pizza what type would you be?

I’d probably be a pineapple pizza. Some love pineapples on pizza, some hate them. I love them! They’re sweet, squishy and colorful. Just for being myself, I’m the kind of person that some adore and others despise. Still, our different perspectives and slices of life make living in our diverse world all the more entrancing.

Mya’s note: As for the first two episodes of “Peace of Pizza,” pineapple pizza is wining 😆

How many languages do you speak?

I speak four languages. After my native English, I’ve been learning Mandarin Chinese, Mongolian and Spanish. Among my non-native tongues, I speak Mandarin best while my Spanish most needs improvement. I’m also learning Church Latin! But I certainly don’t speak it, and I don’t pretend to call myself fluent. I love learning languages both to communicate better with others and to one day conduct cross-cultural research across places and times.

What are three lessons that you learned from your teenage years?

I should keep in touch with longtime friends as best I’m able. Doodling and helping others prove fantastic ways to make friends, despite shyness. I am simultaneously both my parents’ legacy and a free-thinking child of God. As I’ve come through life, I’ve felt so rewarded in never giving up on my friends, no matter how many days, months and years go by. Since I was a quite the awkward teen, I discovered simply drawing likable pictures and helping others proved lovely ways to help others to notice me and want to get to know me. Lastly, around high school graduation, while balancing my parents’ expectations against mine, I came to realize my life really is up to me and God. Everything else comes second, even when they matter immensely. These lessons really helped me through adolescence and helped me to open up as a creative young adult still driven to serve my homes, schools, communities and God.

What is your favorite book?

The cover of Traditions & Encounters: A Global Perspective on the Past, 4th ed., depicts European ships and indigenous peoples in boats on the water in front of a lush island at midday. Daniel calls this book his favorite.

I really enjoyed the sixth edition of Traditions & Encounters: A Global Perspective on the Past, by Jerry H. Bentley and Herbert F. Ziegler. Although it’s a literal textbook, I found it teeming with tales relating in magnificent detail millennia and centuries of people, places and civilizations. To this day, much of what I know about global experiences come from that book and its associated history course I took with Mrs. Joyce O’Day in high school. This said, if you’re looking more for novels I enjoy, like Tolkien’s or Dostoevsky’s, I’ve listed plenty of my favorites on Goodreads


Please tell me about your country and state.

I’m from the United States of America, a fairly young nation founded on principles including those that people may follow whatever religion they choose, freely speak and write their views and share in equally inclusive entitlement to pursue happiness, regardless of social constructs that often hold people back. Yes, the States struggle to live up to these ideals at times — Yet, these ideals are great. As for my state, although I grew up in the American Midwest, my family and I have lived in Nevada since I was 11 years old. Nevada’s a massive western state bordering California. Nevada is known for its casinos and hot, desert climate. That said, I prefer the northern part of the state, which offers mountains, snow and lovely hikes. Ultimately, the U.S. is an extremely diverse country, especially when considering its single states surpass numerous nations in size and population! Like many large countries, the U.S. at times feels as though in a world of its own.

Daniel practices Mandarin Chinese with young students who attend a 留守儿童学校 /liúshǒu értóng xuéxiào/ (translated literally, a school for left-behind children) during summer 2018 on the U.S. Department of State Critical Language Scholarship Program. Children attend these government-supported boarding schools when their parents have to work in other cities and provinces to support their families.

Please recommend the best places/theaters/museums/restaurants to visit in your country for readers.

I can’t speak for the entire United States since the country is absolutely colossal. That said, I can certainly recommend general tips. If you love nature, look up national parks. These are bastions of treasured beauty. I’m especially partial to the American Midwest, where I grew up and where my father’s side of our family grew up. If you enjoy colonial American history, try the East Coast — You’ll find less the further west you go. That said, if you respect indigenous American history (as you should!), you’ll find more in the American West, sometimes associated with national parks. To satisfy theater, museum and restaurant interests, you can look up which cities are largest in the U.S. Usually airlines fly between them. Any major city will have remarkable sights. Hope this helps, and good luck!

Any interesting customs in your state?

One of Nevada’s biggest industries is tourism, so tourists from throughout the country and globe visit. Las Vegas, specifically, has a reputation for immoral activities, which earned it the nickname, “Sin City.” I’m not going to detail what those entail. I prefer the opposite end of the spectrum, being Catholic, so I prefer to find more fulfilling ways to spend time. After all, Nevada has thriving Catholic communities, relatable Asian communities and fantastic Kiwanis community service organizations, so I have plenty to see, meet and serve alongside.

Volunteering and Traveling

Joining the Peace Corps

What are three lessons you learned as a Peace Corps Volunteer?

Embrace every possibility, rather than to simply have no expectations. Time matters far less than Westerners tend to value it. And all cultures are valid, even when one society may at first problematically write off another as uncivilized, dangerous or insane. No people and no person deserve to suffer just because another refuse to know them. By knowing others, we realize we can help each other. We can live among each other. And we can grow together, fostering a better, brighter and more equitable world for all.

How did you deal with culture shock?

Above all, I have faith that the thoughts behind the actions behind the customs of those around me are often just as valid as the thoughts behind the actions behind the customs I’ve grown accustomed to while growing up in the States. Much with culture shock and me has to do with grace. I accept I simply won’t know how to navigate customs without first learning them. Certainly while studying in China, I’ve had enough faux pas moments to know I don’t pick up social cues well on my own. So I pray for peace, and I trust little by little to learn to live as locals. By letting “Jesus take the wheel” so to speak, I relax knowing many aspects of life abroad are outside my control and still in God’s hands, anyway.

Adventure in Mongolia

What was your first impression of Mongolia?

In Mongolia, people didn’t seem nearly as possessive as in the States. When my Peace Corps peers and I first arrived at a ger camp outside Ulaanbaatar for training, I felt awed by the wide expanses of undeveloped land, in hills, summits and valleys. At any hour of the day, horses or cattle could wander our camp grazing and ambling along. We Peace Corps Trainees learned we could hike anywhere without a fence. Most of the land rested without fences. This freedom to roam without worry felt so liberating compared to structured industrial society in the States. And Mongolians were so hospitable in how they shared! I felt welcomed despite arriving as an outsider.

What was the most shocking custom in Mongolia?

I know plenty of Americans agree with me on this one, but the custom that Mongols eat just about every organ of the lamb (or maybe goat?) for the special meal feels pretty shocking the first times experiencing it, гэдэс. The rubbery texture of the liver, heart, stomach and lungs definitely took getting used to. The congealed blood is extremely salty! But, I quite liked the taste of most parts, especially intestines, when I could dip them in the onion broth. My local Peace Corps instructors imparted that my host family felt elated I tried everything, haha. Honestly, once I got used to the meals’ flavors, I sometimes began looking forward to them! I’m just so relieved no one asked me to try the brains, eyes or parts from the nether regions. I’m a tad too skittish about eating those. God saved me, haha! That fact that the animals’ ankle bones Mongols use for games come from these meals also amazes me. I’d never once thought of using real bones to play games! Mongols are so resourceful.

Mongolia is famous for its cold, dry climate, which sometimes hits -40°C in winter. Can you please share your winter experience?

During the winter, I really suffered through hiking before sunrise with a local Buddhist monk and a doctor, back around January and February. The weather was at least -27°C (-17°F), not including wind chill. I had no idea what I was getting into. But, “This is just life!” the doctor turned to me and grinned, despite snow blowing against us. I found the numbing cold taught me a great deal of humility to see enduring bitter climbs as a regular facet life. I blogged a considerable amount about the winter experience. Winter’s ending with Tsagaan Sar (Lunar New Year’s) felt all the more rewarding.

Becoming part of the community

When we first met in Enerel, the local orphanage, I was impressed by your fluency in Mongolian language and writing skills. What is your secret behind successful learning a new language in just a year?

Aw, well thank you! I certainly felt impressed by your English skills when we met there. You know personally the benefit of language immersion since you studied in the States. And I hope the benefits of immersion are no secret! I spent my first summer in Mongolia living with my Mongolian host family in a small town of 2200 people. There, at-home and community immersion supplemented at least three hours of classroom lessons a day. Inside and outside classes, I also spoke and wrote in Mongolian. I did so whenever I could, with whomever I could, and I asked questions whenever I felt confused. I spoke, too, on the Lingors language podcast about languages! You can look me up there for more tips and tales. Hope these help!

Speaking of Enerel Orphanage, how do you feel about the Mongolian foster system?

I wish more Mongolians felt comfortable adopting children. I know many Americans aren’t comfortable adopting, either. But I feel that with more children having comfortable, loving and supported places to come home to, the more equitable our societies can be. To that end, I also wish the Mongolian foster system could offer more trainings in professional development for teens readying for young adulthood. Although many children in the foster system go without a traditional mom and dad, they often still need the same knowledge about societal expectations toward work and independent living to succeed out there. I believe no matter children’s disadvantages, they deserve the same access to opportunities as you and me.

I saw a special connection between kids and you. Please share the most memorable time with kids.

Aw, but so many times were memorable! The kids were so adorable and loving, and the staff too made me always feel welcomed. I loved teaching in the classroom, sharing meals with the kids and playing with them in their shared rooms or wherever they chose to tug me along. Girls had me dance with them, boys had me wrestle. One boy, with a speech impediment, gave me the warmest hugs. Little girls even handed me babies who kissed me. Yet, I think among my earliest most memorable times was when a handful of maybe 9- or 10-year-olds and toddlers first led me around, showing me the spaces where they lived, rested and played. There, they would take me to these huge group photo portraits and point to children’s faces, saying if some had left now for homes. I felt somber, thinking about how these children loved their orphanage siblings, even as they were gone. I felt honored that they adopted me as their new big brother and teacher. Additionally, I wrote a blog piece about my weekends at the orphanage. You can find it at www.DanielLang.me from story #13 under November 2019. Hope you give it look!

As an English instructor at the National University of Mongolia in the Orkhon province, what do you think about the Mongolian educational system?

I worry about how undergrads in Mongolia often lack access to many academic resources Americans tend to take for granted in public and private schools, across primary, secondary and postsecondary levels. I attribute much of this lack to how large swathes of academic knowledge exist in non-Mongolian languages, such as English. Thus, before many Mongolians can access this information, they must learn other languages to advanced extents, such as English. Learning advanced English well often requires both native speakers and confident Mongols who know English well. But, because, nationally, Mongolia has only recently begun teaching English, only about a generation and a half of young people now know parts. Most Mongolians are still new to the English language, and many don’t realize the nuances that separate it from Mongolian. My hope, as an instructor, is to empower students to seek information that betters their lives — not only about the English language but also about so many paths and opportunities available in life. Still, above all, I hope my students maintain an appreciation for their own native language and culture, which are so unique and special. Our world needs Mongols, just as it needs people from every walk of life.

Please describe your favorite experience in Mongolia.

My favorite experience is always a hard question, often answered by my mood. There are just so many wonderful moments, whether with my Peace Corps colleagues, my fellow instructors, my students, the orphanage or the church. For now, I’ll place my favorite moment as either when I gave a Peace Corps Swear-In speech in Mongolian before the U.S. ambassador and Mongolia’s teachers from around the country or when a confident 10-year-old girl in the orphanage began teaching me elementary arithmetic on our classroom whiteboard. Both moments touched my soul for different reasons. Both taught me more about myself than I foresaw, and I feel forever grateful to have experienced them.

His future

How do you imagine the world in 5 years?

I imagine no one will have forgotten the COVID-19 pandemic in five years. Economies worldwide will be better able to leverage digital commerce than today. That said, I hope people will have greater respect for the blessings of in-person gatherings. I hope, too, people will maintain better public health practices — I’ve already read headlines that many in Mongolia have improved health practices. I love this. By 2025, I hope I’m well into my postgraduate studies, too, so I can feel better equipped to talk about how I imagine the world!

What is your nearest goal?

I’m writing my first official book memoir — hoping to finish the manuscript by fall 2020! It’s a tough task to spend days in a row reliving rough times from the past three years of my life, but I feel continuously grateful to the many who’ve stepped in to support me and offer vital feedback. I’ve had such amazing experiences that people want me to share, and I believe that as long as I have readers, I’ll be their writer. I pray writing now helps me one day realize this dream of becoming a professor!

What countries do you want to visit in the future?

I’m especially eager to visit South Korea since so many people in Mongolia and the States love Korean culture. I’d enjoy learning about Mongol history there and in parts of Japan. I hoped to take this trip around January 2021, but we’ll see how the pandemic’s doing. Beyond these, I’d love to visit the Vatican City and Turkey, as I long to study Christian histories there and see historic sites firsthand. I’d also like to see Austria someday, as my dad’s family’s descended from Austrians. Austria’s a fairly Catholic country, too! Still, I yearn first to come back to Mongolia and China and finish all I’ve started. May God grant me a long life with which to serve many more!

Thank you Daniel! Hope we will meet again soon!

Translated into Mongolian

Манай өнөөдрийн зочноор маш сайхан сэтгэлт Даниэл уригдсан билээ.

Өөрийгөө танилцуулна уу?

Намайг Daniel Lindbergh Lang (Даниэл Лэйн) гэдэг. Би 23 настай, Энхтайваны корпусын сайн дурын ажилтнаар Эрдэнэт хотын МУИС-д англи хэл зааж байсан. Амралтын өдрүүдээр би нийгэмдээ тусалж “Энэрэл” асрамжийн газарт англи хэлний хичээл хүүхдүүдэд зааж байсан. 2019 оноос хойш Ковид-19 гарах хүртэл Монголд амьдарсан. Би хүнд итгэл өгч, янз бүрийн түүхээ хуваалцах дуртай. Олон ургалч үзлийн талаар би бага сага мэддэг бөгөөд би холимог Австри-Хятад, Католик Америк, эхээс таван хүүхдүүдийн хоёрдох нь. Ээж маань Америк руу цагаачлахаасаа өмнө англи хэлний багш байсан. Намайг 19 настай байхад тэр гэнэт бурхны орныг зорисон. Түүнээс хойш би дэлхийн өнцөг булан бүрт сурч, аялж, үйлчилж, хайр энэрлийг түгээн дэлгэрүүлж байгаа.

Хэрэв та пицца байсан бол ямар төрлийнх байх байсан бэ?

Би хан боргоцойтой пицца байх байсан. Зарим нь хан боргоцойтойд дуртай, зарим нь түүнийг идэх дургүй байдаг. Би энэ төрлийн пиццанд их дуртай . Тэр нь их амттай, зөөлөн, бас өнгөлөг. Иймд бусад хүмүүс дургүй ч , би дуртай хэвээрээ л байна. Бидний амьдрал өөр өөр үзэл бодол, олон төрлийн зүсмэлүүдээр хүрээлдэг энэ нь илүү их сэтгэл татам амьдрах нөхцөлийг бүрдүүлдэг.

Та хэдэн хэлээр ярьдаг вэ?

Нийт дөрвөн хэлээр ярьдаг. Эх хэл маань Англи хэл, бас би Хятад-Мандарин, Монгол, Испани хэл мэднэ. Энэ гурваас би Мандаринаар хамгийн сайн ярьдаг харин Испани хэлний мэдлэгээ илүү сайжруулах бодолтой байгаа. Нэмээд хэлэхэд Латин хэл сурч эхэлж байгаа! Олон хэл сурах маань бусадтай харилцаж ойлголцох, олон орноор аялахад их хэрэгтэй байдаг юмаа.

Таны хамгийн дуртай ном юу вэ?

Жерси Х.Бентли, Херберт ийн Ф.Зиглер Traditions & Encounters: A Global Perspective on the Past маш их таалагдсан. Энэ нь олон олон зууны хүмүүсийн амьдрал , газар нутаг, соёл иргэншлийн талаарх үлгэр домгийн хүүрнэл юмаа. Өнөөдрийг хүртэлх дэлхийн хөгжил цэцэглэлтийн талаар энэ номоос би олж мэдсэн. Goodreads дээр би дуртай номуудаа жагсаасан байгаа.

Өөрийн улсынхаа талаар ярина уу.

Би Америкийн Нэгдсэн Улсын иргэн. Америкийн Нэгдсэн Улс нь хүмүүсийн эрх чөлөөнд тулгуурлан, нийгмийн эрх тэгш байдлыг хангадаг залуу улс орон юм. Тийм улс орон маань энэ төгс байдалд хүрэхийн тулд олон асуудлуудтай тулгардаг. Иймээс бид заримдаа эдгээр зорилгууддаа хүрэхийн төлөө тэмцдэг. Би Америкийн Мидвестд төрсөн хэдий ч гэр бүлийнхэн маань намайг 11 настай байхад Невада муж руу нүүсэн. Невада бол Калифорниа мужтай хиллэдэг асар том муж. Невада нь казино бас халуун, цөлийн уур амьсгалтай гэдгээрээ алдартай.

Монголын хамгийн их цочирдуулсан ёс заншил юу байсан бэ?

Энэ талаар олон америкчууд надтай санал нийлэх байх. Монголчууд малын махыг идэхээс гадна дотор эрхтэн таван цул гэдсийг цэвэрлэн иддэг нь гайхал төрүүлсэн. Малын цус нь маш давстай байсан! Гэхдээ надад ихэнх нь таалагдсан, ялангуяа гэдсийг сонгинотой шөлөнд дүрж идэх нь амттай байсан. Үнэнийг хэлэхэд би махны амтанд орж заримдаа идэхийг ч хүсдэг болсон. Нутгийн хүмүүс тархи, нүдний хэсгийг идэхийг шаардаагүйд их баярладаг./ бурхны авралаар инээв/ . Бас амьтдын шагайн ясыг Монголчууд тоглоомонд ашигладаг нь намайг гайхшируулж байсан. Тоглоом тоглохдоо жинхэнэ яс ашиглахыг би хэзээ ч төсөөлж байгаагүй.

Монгол Улсад ирэхэд хамгийн анхны сэтгэгдэл ямар байсан бэ?

Анх Улаанбаатараас холгүй нэг хотхонд бэлтгэл хийхээр очиход өндөр уул, толгод, хөндий, өргөн уудам тал надад их таалагдсан. Өдрийн аль ч цагт, хаана ч морь эсвэл үхэр харж болдогт. Уул руу ямар ч хашаа хаалтгүйгээр чөлөөтэй гарж болдог. Санаа зоволгүйгээр зугаалах нь бусад орноос маш эрх чөлөөтэй санагдсан. Бас Монгол үнэхээр зочломтгой! Гадаад хүн байсан ч гэсэн сайхан хүлээж авсан.

Монгол хүйтэн, хуурай уур амьсгалтай, өвлийн улиралд -40 хэм хүрэх үе хүртэл байдаг. Танд өвлийн улирал ямар санагдсан бэ?

1, 2-р сарын үеэр нутгийн лам болон эмч нартай цуг нар мандахаас өмнө уул руу гарч байсан. Цаг агаар нь хамгийн багадаа -27 ° C (-17 ° F) байсан бөгөөд маш хүйтэн санагдсан. Би юу хийж байгаа огт мэдээгүй. Гэхдээ “Энэ бол зүгээр л амьдрал!” Уул өөд алхаж байхад өөдөөс цасан шуурга шуурсан ч эмч над руу эргэж харан инээмсэглэв. Энэ хэрцгий хүйтэн надад тэсвэр хатуужлыг ойлгуулсан. Би энэ өвлийн талаар нэлээд их хэмжээний блог хөтөлсөн. Цагаан сарын баяраар өвлийн улирал дуусахад бүх зүйл маш сайхан санагдсан.

Анх тантай би Энэрэл төвд уулзахдаа би таны Монгол хэлний чадварыг их гайхан шүтсэн. Зөвхөн нэг жилийн дотор шинэ хэлийг ингэж амжилттай сурч чадсан нууц юунд байна бэ?

Би бас чамтай ч уулзахдаа англи хэлний чадварыг чинь бас гайхсан. Би Монголд ирсэн анхны зунаа 2200 хүнтэй жижиг хотод монгол гэр бүлтэйгээ хамт амьдарсан юм. Тэнд байхдаа өдөр болгон монгол хэл судалж, хичээлээс гадна би аль болох Монгол хэлээр ярьж, бичихийг хичээдэг байсан. Боломжтой үедээ, хэнээс ч хамаагүй тусламж авч ойлгомжгүй зүйлээ лавлаж асуудаг байсан. Хэл хэрхэн сурахыг зааж өгдөг Lingors подкаст их тусалсан. Тийшээ орж үзээрэй.

Монголын асрамжийн газрын системийн юу гэж боддог бэ?

Илүү олон монголчууд хүүхэд үрчлэх тухайн орчин нөхцөлийг тав тухтай байгаасай гэж хүсэж байна. Хүүхдүүд хайраар дүүрэн өсөхөд гэртээ тав тухтай, дэмжлэгтэй байх тусам бидний нийгэм илүү хөгжинө гэж бодож байна. Бас Монголын фостер систем- д байгаа залуу хүүхдүүдэд мэргэжлийн ур чадварыг дээшлүүлэх сургалтыг илүү олон бас тогтмол зохион байгуулахыг хүсэж байна. Тэдэнд амжилтанд хүрэхийн тулд бие даан амьдрах, нийгмийн хүлээлтийн талаар мэдлэг ихээхэн шаардагддаг. Хүүхдүүд энэ бүх зүйлд бэлтгэгдэх хэрэгтэй.

Та хүүхдүүдтэй маш ойр дотно холбоотой байсан. Та хүүхдүүдтэй өнгөрөөсөн хамгийн сайхан дурсамжаа хуваалцана уу.

Зөндөө олон байгаа! Ажилтнууд намайг үргэлж сайхан угтаж авдаг байлаа. Би ангид багшилж, хүүхдүүдтэй хоолоо хуваалцаж, хамт тоглох дуртай байсан. Тэр дундаас хэл ярианы бэрхшээлтэй нэгэн хүү надад хамгийн халуун тэврэлт хайрыг мэдрүүлсэн. Хүүхдүүд намайг гараасаа хөтөлж , тоглоомоо танилцуулахад надад маш гоё байсан. Тэд өөрсдийн ах эгч дүү нартайгаа танилцуулсан. Тэд намайг том ах, багш гэж хүлээн авсан нь надад их хүндэтгэл байсан юм. Нэмж хэлэхэд би хүүхдийн асрамжийн газарт амралтын өдрүүдийнхээ талаар блог нийтлэл бичсэн байгаа, уншигч та www.DanielLang.me сайтаас 2019 оны 11-р сарын 13-ны өдрийн №13 дугаараас унших боломжтой. Танд таалагдана гэдэгт найдаж байна.

Орхон аймгийн МУИС-ийн англи хэлний багшийн хувьд та Монголын боловсролын системийн талаар ямар бодолтой байна вэ?

Монголд бакалаврын сургалтанд ихэнхдээ эрдэм шинжилгээний нөөцөөр сайн хангагдаагүй байдагт санаа их зовсон, харин Америкт улсын, хувийн сургуулиуд маш олон боломжоор оюутнуудаа хангадаг. Үүнээс Англи хэл дээр маш олон мэдээлэл олж болно. Гэхдээ, Монгол улсад маш бага хүмүүс дунджаас дээд түвшний англи хэлний мэдлэгтэй байдаг. Багшийн хувьд миний үүрэг бол оюутнуудад англи хэлний тухай төдийгүй амьдралын зам, олон боломжийн талаарх мэдлэгийг олгох явдал юм. Хамгийн чухал зүйл бол миний оюутнууд өөрсдийн өвөрмөц эх хэл, соёлоо үнэлж хадгалдах хэрэгтэй гэж бодож байна. Амьдралын бүхий л алхмууд хүмүүст хэрэгтэй байдаг шиг энэ дэлхий ертөнцөд монголчууд хэрэгтэй.

Таны хамгийн ойрын зорилго юу вэ?

Би анхныхаа номыг бичиж байгаа. Хэвлэлтэнд өгсөн 2020 оны намар гарна гэж найдаж байна. Энэ номд өөрийнхөө амьдралын сүүлийн гурван жилийн туршид тохиолдсон баяр баясгалантай болон уйтгар гунигтай өдрүүдийг хүүрнэлээ. Гэхдээ намайг дэмжиж, олон чухал санаа өгсөн сэтгэгдлээ илэрхийлсэн хүмүүст талархаж байна. Надад маш олон хуваалцахыг хүссэн түүхүүд бий , энэ номыг уншсан хүн болгонд би тэдний хайртай зохиолч байх болно. Ном бичих нь нэг л өдөр миний эрдэмтэн Профессор болох мөрөөдлийг биелүүлэхэд тусална.

Дэлхийг ойрын 5 жилийн хугацаанд хэрхэн өөрчлөгдөх вэ?

5 жил өнгөрсөн ч COVID-19 тахлыг хэн ч мартахгүй байх гэж би бодож байна. Дэлхийн эдийн засаг дижитал худалдаа руу шилжсэн байх болно. Хүмүүс биечлэн уулзах уулзалтуудыг илүү хүндэлнэ гэж би бодож байна. Улс орон бүр эрүүл мэндийн салбаруудаа илүү сайжруулах болно гэж найдаж байна. Би Монголчууд эрүүл мэндийн салбараа сайжруулсан тухай хэвлэл мэдээллээс уншсан. Үүнд би их баяртай байгаа. 2025 онд би магистраа хамгаална гэж бодож байна, тэгэхээр би ертөнцийг илүү өөдрөгөөр төсөөлж байна.

Ирээдүйд та ямар улс орнуудаар аялахыг хүсэж байна вэ?

Монгол мөн АНУ-ын олон хүмүүс Солонгос соёлын талаар сонирхдог тул би Өмнөд Солонгосыг зорихыг маш их хүсэж байна. Би тийшээ 2021 оны 1-р сард аялах төлөвлөгөөтэй байгаа энэ пандемик тахлын тархац зогсоосой билээ. Эдгээрээс гадна би Ватикан хот ба Турк улсад зочлохыг хүсэж байна, тэндхийн Христийн шашны түүхийг судалж, түүхийн дурсгалт газруудыг үзэхийг хүсч байна. Хэзээ нэг өдөр би Австри луу явахыг хүсэж байна, манай аавын гэр бүл нь Австриас гаралтай. Гэсэн хэдий ч би эхлээд Монгол, Хятад руу очиж эхэлсэн бүх ажлаа дуусгахыг хүсэж байна. Тэнгэрбурхан намайг олон хүмүүстэй уулзуулж урт удаан насыг хайрлах болтугай!

