Love yourself first, only then you can love others

Myadaggarav Mya
Peace of Pizza


Peace of Pizza featuring Altynai from Kyrgyzstan

MYA: Hello! I am pleased to introduce you to one of the sweetest and positive lady I have ever seen, Peace of Pizza’s very first guest Altynai. Let’s explore her world! ^_^

  1. Get to know her

Please introduce yourself

My name is Altynai. I’m FLEX alumna 2019 from Kyrgyzstan. One of the funniest facts about me is that I am a realistic person but somehow I always expect miracles. My life motto is “Live the life that people write novels about.”

If you were a pizza, what type of pizza would you be?

Haha, that’s a great question. I think I would be a pineapple pizza. People who have never tried pineapple pizza say: “ Ew, that’s gross. How can you eat it? Is it even a pizza?” However, most of them just love it after trying it. So what I’m trying to say is that people should directly talk to me and know me well before they try to judge me.

What is your favorite food?

I’m a big fan of Mexican food. I love tacos and all kinds of spicy dishes.

What’s your favorite color?

My favorite color is blue because it associates with freedom.

Any book recommendations?

“Into the Magic Shop” by James D. will be my favorite book forever. To be honest, reading this book was one of my best decisions. It’s about finding light in your heart when you are about to give up and going through hard times.


Agh, I have so many movies to recommend but the last one I watched was “ Miracle in Cell №7” which is a Turkish movie on Netflix. Grab some tissues while you are starting it! The story is about a mentally ill father and his daughter. He was wrongly imprisoned. I cried all the way through. It is emotional, heartwarming, inspiring, and just pulls on the heartstrings. In my opinion, it is worth watching because it is an absolute masterpiece.

Where are you studying? What is your major?

INHA University, South Korea

I’m going to study at the INHA University in South Korea. I was accepted with a scholarship which covers my tuition fee. My major is International Business and Trade. It’s funny how I changed my mind a day before an application because of Big Hit (a company that works with BTS). Thank you, BTS lol! My long-term goal is to get an opportunity to intern in the company in 3 years.

How many languages do you speak?

I speak Kyrgyz, Russian, Turkish, English, and a little bit of Spanish. I have started learning Korean recently because for the next 4 years I’m going to live in Korea.

What is your nearest goal?

My immediate goal is to become a better version of myself. I mean I want to develop my skills in many different areas.

2. About her country

Tell me about your country?

Kyrgyzstan is located in Central Asia. It is a country of highly diverse and rich geography, culture, history. Young leaders contribute to the country. The capital is Bishkek.

Traditions, customs, and cultures depend on the location of a country. That’s why a part of our culture is a combination of customs of other countries in Central Asia. It’s pretty easy to find similarities in languages, food, etc. Kyrgyzstan is surrounded by mountains and has a beautiful nature. The most popular place is jailoo(summer pasture). It’s a perfect place to go because you will be amazed by the beauty of high mountains. Farmers go to jailoos every summer. Kyrgyz people have a nomadic culture. Visiting jailoos gives the best opportunity to take a look at nomadic culture. Farmers still use yurts (nomadic dwellings which were used by our ancestors) in summer.

Epic of Manas and Chyngyz Aitmatov are representations of Kyrgyzstan. Epic of Manas tells you about Kyrgyz culture more than any other website could. Chyngyz Aitmatov is an author who wrote amazing books that are considered classics of literature.

People in Kyrgyzstan are friendly. They are always ready to help you. Besides, Kyrgyzstan was a part of the Soviet Union, therefore, everyone in the country speaks 2 languages: Kyrgyz and Russian. Most people speak English as well. So tourists will not have a problem with the language. There is always someone who would be happy to help.

Bishkek is the capital city. In my opinion, it is the best description for “unity in diversity”. People from different cities, regions, and even countries live in Bishkek.

How to greet in your language?

“Hello” is “Salam” in an informal way. You can say it to your close one. The formal way of saying “Hello” is “Salamatsyzby”. Also, you can say “Men seni suyom ” which means “I love you”.

What is the first thing to try in your country (museums, places, food)

I’m going to list 2 of my favorite places to go. The first one is Yssyk-Kol, an amazing lake that never freezes in winter, even though it’s surrounded by mountains. Its name means “hot lake” in Kyrgyz language. Yssyk-Kol is well-known for its sandy beaches, resorts and sights. The second one is Talas city. One of the most popular nature reserves, Besh-Tash, is located in Talas. It’s a perfect place for hiking, picnics, etc.

Your favorite traditional food?

Traditional Kyrgyz food is very different from western food. First of all, Kyrgyz food is a combination of all Central Asian dishes. If you ever come to Kyrgyzstan, the must-eat meal is Beshbarmak. The meaning of it is “five fingers” in Kyrgyz. Therefore, it’s eaten by hand. As a drink, you should try Kymyz which is horse milk. These I have listed are just a small part of our rich culture. Trip to Kyrgyzstan will give everyone a whole pack of wonderful memories and emotions for sure.

3. Self-development

What are your thoughts on diversity?

Diversity is beautiful. Everything that makes people different from each other is a pure beauty. For example, my double-placement, Liza, is from Indonesia, and her tradition, customs, and culture are completely different from mine. But I loved learning about her country and it makes us “sisters not by blood but by heart”. Furthermore, my best friends are from different countries. I hope one day I will be able to visit them all.

Altynai with her frriends (on the left), Lida is in the middle

Any advice for teenagers and people, who are suffering from mental breakdown?

I learned how to enjoy every moment of life no matter what. Being a teenager is difficult because it feels like people around just don’t understand you, and every problem seems to be extremely complicated. If nobody listens to you and supports you, it gets worse and you fall into depression. However, time is so fast. You won’t even realize how your youth flies by when you’ll be sitting in your room depressed. Live a life now, not tomorrow, or when you grow up. If you feel sad and depressed, don’t sit alone and wait until it gets over. Get out of your comfort zone and do something that will make you happy, look for a new experience in a good way. Life can be stressful for every single person at some point but it doesn’t mean that we should leave out time to enjoy every moment.

How to love yourself?

Accepting your scars, failures, and weaknesses is way harder than someone else’s. The reason is that we always compare ourselves to someone who looks “perfect”. Self-love comes first.

Everyone makes mistakes and it’s okay. You shouldn’t blame yourself. If you have anyone in your life who always points out your mistakes and acts toxic, the problem is in them not in you. Then let them go.

Never compare yourself with anyone. I want to remind you that you are the best at being you. Everyone is beautiful and perfect in their way. Everything that is in you makes you unique. However, society convinces us to believe that there are certain types of perfection. To be considered beautiful, you can’t have acne, you should be skinny, etc. To be considered smart, you should earn the highest scores on exams. That’s absolute nonsense. More than 7 billion people live on the Earth, therefore more than 7 billion types of perfection exist. The lowest score on ACT doesn’t make you “stupid” as well as gaining some extra weight doesn’t make you “ugly”.

Before brightening someone’s life with your love and care, embrace and shower yourself with love. My mom says: “Love yourself first, only then you can love others.” I can’t agree more.

4. Dealing with pandemic.

How is your country dealing with COVID-19?

The government wasn’t ready for it. I think neither were other countries but at the beginning of the 2nd wave of coronavirus, our country struggled a lot to control the situation. No one expected that the number of cases would increase that fast. However, people of Kyrgyzstan don’t give up in hard circumstances. They are courageous. They love their country and are always ready to sacrifice their lives for their country. So many volunteers are working 24/7 to save lives. Words can’t explain how grateful I am to people who are bravely fighting the COVID-19. Hopefully, everything will be over very soon.

How is your society affected by this pandemic?

The country was locked down for 2 months. It affected people in many aspects. Businesses have collapsed, unemployment increased, students abroad can’t come home while other students can’t go to their universities. The traditional school system was replaced with an online school which gives us a low-quality education. The most important thing is that many people lost their loved ones.

Thank you very much Altynai! I miss you so much! I am looking forward to meet you in the future!



Follow her social media ;)

Translated into Mongolian

“Peace of Pizza”- д тавтай морил

Анхны зочингоор маань Алтынай уригдан оролцлоо

Өөрийгөө танилцуулья

Hамайг Алтынай гэдэг. Би 2019 Кыргызстан улсаас Флекс программд хамрагдаж төгссөн.

Өөрийнхөө талаар сонирхуулахад би реалист үзэл сурталтай хүн мөртлөө ид шидэнд итгэдэг. Миний амьдралын уриа бол

“ Хүмүүсийн номонд бичдэг шиг амьдралаар л амьдар ”

Хэрвээ та пицца байсан бол ямар төрлийнх байсан байх бол?

Энэ их сонирхолтой асуулт юм./инээв/ Миний бодлоор ханборгоцойтой пицца байсан байх. Энэ төрлийн пиццаг хараад ямар заваан юм бэ,энэ чинь пицца юм уу гэх байх. Хэрвээ идэж үзэх юм бол ихэнх хүмүүс амтанд нь дурлана.Би юу гэж ойлгуулах гэж байгаа вэ гэхээр намайг дүгнэж байгаа хүмүүс эхлээд муухай гэхээсээ өмнө надтай ярьж ойлголцож дүгнэлтээ хийх хэрэгтэй гэсэн санаа

Та ямар төрлийн хоолонд дуртай вэ?

Би Мексик хоол , Тако зэргийн хоолонд дуртай.

Дуртай өнгө ?

Миний хамгийн дуртай өнгө бол эрх чөлөөг илэрхийлдэг цэнхэр өнгө юмаа.

Өөрийнхөө уншсан дуртай номноос хуваалцана уу?

Д.ДЖЕИМС-ийн “Into the Magic Shop”миний дуртай ном юм.Миний амьдралд гарсан хамгийн том шийдвэр бол ном уншсан цагаас эхэлнэ. Амьдралын бүхэл үед уншсан номноосоо сургамж авч хэрэгжүүлдэг.

Та одоогоор юу хийж байгаа вэ?

Би Өмнөд Солонгос улсын ИНХА их сургуульд тэтгэлэгтэйгээр олон улсын бизнесийн харилцааны мэргэжлээр суралцаж байна. Өргөдлийн хугацаа дуусахаас нэг өдрийн өмнө сурах шийдвэрээ гаргасан. Bighit Companias болж ( инээв)

Та хэдэн орны хэлээр ярьдаг вэ?

Би Киргиз,Орос,Турк,Англи хэлтэй .Бага зэрэг Испани хэлээр ярьдаг одооноос Солонгос хэл сурч байна.

Гадаад хэл яаж хурдан сурах вэ?

Хамгийн чухал нь аль болох сурах гэж байгаа улсын дуу сонсож кино үзэж тэр улсын хүмүүстэй ойр дотно ярилцахыг хичээх

2. Та өөрийнхээ улсын талаар ярина уу ?

Киргизстан улс Төв Азид оршдог бөгөөд маш баялаг түүх соёлтой орон юм. Тус улсын нийслэл нь Бишкек хот.Манай улс газар зүйн байрлалаасаа хамааран өөр өөр соёлтой. Маш үзэсгэлэнтэй байгальтай бөгөөд өндөр уулархаг улс. Хамгийн алдартай газар бол Жайлоо,хэрвээ манай улсад ирэх бол энд ирэхийг зөвлөж байна. Манай улсын тухай “Манас дастан”-ны номноос уншиж мэдэж болно.Харин манай улсын алдарт зохиолч ЧИНГИЗ Айтматовын зохиолууд бидний бахархал болсон байдаг. Киргиз хүмүүс маш нөхөрсөг тул хэзээч таньд туслахад бэлэн байдаг. Манай улс орос хэлээр ярихаас гадна англи хэлээр ч сайн ярьдаг.

Танай улсад хэрхэн мэндэлдэг бэ?

Сайн уу гэвэл САЛАМ

Сайн байна уу гэвэл Саламатсызбы

Би чамд хайртай гэвэл Мен сени сүйөм

Киргизстанд очвол хамгийн түрүүнд юу үзэх вэ?

Миний хамгийн их очих дуртай газар бол Ысык-Көл (Төмөртэй нуур). Өвөлдөө хөлдөггүй халуун нуур юм.

Мөн Талас хотын Беш Ташд очиж үзэх хэрэгтэй.

Бас Бешбармак хоолыг заавал идэж үзэх хэрэгтэй. Нэрний утга нь таван хуруу болохоор заавал гараараа авч иднэ.

3. Өөрийгөө хир хайрладаг вэ?

Өөрийнхөө алдаа дутагдал , уналт, муу талаа хүлээн зөвшөөрөхөд хамгийн хэцүү байдаг. Бид өөрийгөө үргэлж төгс болгохын тулд бусадтай харьцуулж бусдаас сурч байдаг. Хүн өөрийгөө хайрлах хэрэгтэй. Хэрвээ чиний амьдралд чамайг буруугаар ойлгодог хүмүүс байгаа бол тэр хүмүүсээс хол байх хэрэгтэй. Хэзээ ч чамаас зөв зүйл харахгүй тэр хүмүүст асуудал байна гэсэн үг .Тэр хүмүүсийг зүгээр л явуул. Өөрийгөө битгий хүнтэй харьцуул өөртөө үнэнч өөрөөрөө байх хэрэгтэй. Чамд бүх зүйл байгаа бүгдийг чадна гэсэн сэтгэлтэй байж өөрөөрөө гоёх хэрэгтэй.Энэ дэлхий дээр 7 тэр бум хүн амьдарч байна.Эдгээр хүмүүс өөр өөрийн амьдралаар амьдарч байгаа .Миний аав,ээж маань намайг үргэлж өөрийгээ хайрла дараа нь бусдыг хайрла гэж захидаг үүнтэй санал нийлэхгүй байхын аргагүй.

Ихэнхи өсвөр насны хүүхдүүд өөрсдийгөө голж байдаг та үүнд ямар зөвөлгөө өгөх вэ.

Би юу ч болсон өөрийнхөө амьдралын сайн муу талуудыг ялгаж сурсан бас энэ гарсан шийдвэртэй бүгдийг хүндэтгэнэ. Өсвөр насны хүүхэд байна гэдэг маш хэцүү бүх хүмүүс өөрийг нь ойлгохгүй байгаа юм шиг ,бүх асуудлууд их ярвигтай санагддаг . Хэрвээ хүмүүс чамайг сонсож ойлгож эхлэхгүй бол чи бага багаар сэтгэл гутралд орж эхэлдэг. Иймээс одооноос л амьдарлаа өөрчилж зорилго чиглэлээ тодорхой болгоод ирээдүйгээ сайн сайхнаар бодож явах нь хамгийн чухал болж байна.Аж жаргалтай болгодог зүйлээ хий бас шинэ туршилтуудыг хий. Хүн болгонд ямар нэгэн хүндхэн асуудал тулгарч байдаг тэр болгоныг ухаалгаар даван туулж буруугаас зөвийг олж эерэг сэтгэлээр бүхийг шийдэх хэрэгтэй.

4. Танай улс хэрхэн CoVid 19-тай нүүр тулж байна вэ?

Манай улс бэлэн биш байсан , бусад улсуудын нэгэн адил.Манай улсад 2 дахь вирусийн давлагаа гарахад улс маш их хүнд нөхцөлд орсон. Энэ вирусийг хурдацтай тархана гэж хэнч тооцоолоогүй.Гэхдээ бид бууж өгөөгүй. Зоригтойгоор нуур тулан маш олон сайн дурын ажилчид зүрх сэтгэл гарган ажиллаж байна.Бүх зүйл хуучин хивэндээ удахгүй орно гэж найдаж байна.

Танай улсад CoVid-19 хэрхэн нөлөөлсөн бэ?

Манай улс 2 сарын турш хорионд байж бүх зүйлд нөлөөлсөн.Бизнесийн үйл ажиллагаа зогсож,ажилгүйдэл эрс нэмэгдэж,маш олон хүмүүс эх орондоо ирж чадахгүй байгаа.Сургуулиуд цахим сургалтанд шилжсэн хүүхдүүдийн сургалтанд муугаар нөлөөлж байна. Хамгийн хэцүү нь хүмүүс ойр дотнын хүмүүсээ алдсан нь их харамсалтай байна.

