A Monologue on Palestine-Israël

Published in
2 min readApr 22, 2022

A Vision for Peace and Understanding

The people that live there have been living there for centuries, and even a thousand years at that. Jews have a right, but not an exclusive right… that’s extremely racist. Zionism is built on colonial racism. It's so bad Mizrahi Jews (North Africa/Arab Jews) are discriminated against. I spoke with my Jewish friend who sought to understand, and he learned the information The Israeli lobby/state has to keep from them of the origin of the Israel state. The supremacist ideology and how they manipulate the Jewish people into fear. People are easy to control under fear rather than empowerment. True empowerment, as I told him, is inclusivity, not exclusion. Israel is exclusionary in its roots.

What I proposed, and he liked the idea of a one-state solution where there is no Palestine nor Israel. Taking inspiration of the Holy See, the land and its people shall unite under the Holy Land Confederation. It can have a political structure like Switzerland. But this is only possible through peace and hope… not war and fear. It is only through fraternity & inclusion… not exclusion & supremacy. You may say they don’t want the Jews there. Actually, that’s not their problem. Their problem is their displacement. Jews kicked them out when they should have integrated peaceful which they are very well capable, but it didn’t happen because specific Jews who created the idea of State of Israel were of the age of colonialism and its mass racist systems/ideologies. They learned from US and European Empires of Colonization. Israel is in fact a Colonial project like US, Canada, Australia and so forth. I learned of the Jewish plight, and it’s devastating, but don’t be manipulated. They (UN & the Colonial Empires) signed on to the Israel Project because they are anti-Semitic. If we want an end of anti-Semitism, we need to connect the Semitic cultures: Hebrew, Arabic & Aramaic, etc. Semites are not limited to Judaism. In fact, Jews & Arabs are cousins. The Jews that know their history know this fact.

