A Monologue: Ukraine-Russia

Published in
4 min readMay 1, 2022

Always to start in understanding a conflict, we must understand the full extent. We must account for history, aims and fears. Ukraine and Russia are essentially sister countries even before USSR. Citizens of each country are one way or another cousins. So why did this fighting begin?

Our current situation has angles and layers, but of one truth. Let us begin with Ukraine, then we can end with Russia.

Since the Russian Empire of 1700’s, Ukraine has always been a territory of the Russia state. Even in the fall of the Empire to the dawn of the Soviet Union, Ukraine was not independent. With the fall of USSR, Ukraine was finally independent after centuries. With it, they became partners of Russia as well as Western Europe. And yet, being in the middle is a difficult position, especially in our international society of “balance of power”. Balance of Power is the condition in which we have an anarchy among states vying for power. It is because of this condition we live, war is highly prevalent.

Ukraine has had a history of having proxy leaders from Russia, because with the creation of NATO, Russia feels threatened by its expansion. Ukraine feels threatened by Russia because they desire sovereignty & to not be ruled. This instilled a radical nationalism against Russian interference. It precipitated into an ultra-nationalist group and ideology that discriminates against Russian-speaking Ukrainians of the eastern region of Ukraine. This discrimination only fueled a separatist movement in the eastern region. They rather be a part of Russia if they are not welcome in Ukraine. As we see, there is a cycle being at play. Consequences spiraling into our current predicament.

Russia has been at siege with Ukraine for weeks. Putin desiring control and power of Eastern Power in lieu of the expansions of NATO reframes the invasion as a “Liberation”. Why is there war between the East and & West? It may very well be rooted in the Cold War. NATO was created in the Cold War in fact. If we truly desire peace, NATO must be discontinued and recreated as Planetary Defense Alliance. Unfortunately, this will be difficult due to we are still in the dark shadow of the Cold War. In fact, the Cold War only ended a few decades ago. Much of our leaders are of the generation of the Cold War. When it comes time, my generation (those born in the 1990’s) will likely shift policy because we didn’t live in the Cold War. This is the reality of time and generation shifts.

It then becomes the responsibility of the people whether they wish to live in the old world and not look forward into a new world. Peacecraft is the act of looking forward into the new world of peace and justice, while understanding the old world. Ukraine made their decision, they wish to move forward and away from the shadow of the Cold War. Do we desire to be stuck in the same loop of fear, anxiety and violence? Putin and his ideology are still embedded in the Cold War. He is not alone. The United States is embedded as well.

We have to ask what can we do to facilitate Russia and Ukraine to move into the new world? What are their fears and dreams? Facilitating for Peace and Justice is a facilitating a future. Peacecraft is the discipline of crafting a better future for all. In all truth, the United States is an impediment due to their security policy to withhold their hegemonic power in the international community. This stance is threatening. The United Nations Security Council is supposed to quell these tensions, but the United Nations is failing because it holds no country accountable. Individual States hold power, and some have more than others. We live in an anarchy of states, and they reign supreme with violence.

How can we subside the siege of Ukraine?

1. Offer a way out for Putin to facilitate a Ceasefire. But, if this is to be done, US & Western Europe hypocrisies will have to be held responsible.

2. Ukraine must be held accountable for their grievances as well as Russia.

3. Ukraine has to disband the Ultra-nationalist body.

4. Create a program in Integration (Disbanding NATO to create a Planetary Treaty Alliance.) We have to move on from the Cold War with all the lessons learned.

Unfortunately, in reality, the fighting will not stop until there is a desire to stop. As mentioned in a podcast episode (https://youtu.be/Gvi9N5NrCSU), the theatre must play on, but it should be made clear that the opportunity for peace and reconnection is available. There is only one sacrifice for Peace, and that is Power. And yet, there is immense Power in Peace.

A ceasefire is difficult because Russia doesn’t want Ukraine to regroup. Russia is on a pure imperial march. Last time this occasion happened in Europe, WW2 happened. It saddens me that a WW3 is likely… Peace is a choice. It requires intelligence and humility. When they are lacking, we will be stuck in the vicious cycle.

