Conflict as Opportunity

Published in
1 min readMar 6, 2022

In Life, Change is a Constant. As a Constant, there are multitudes of dynamics that create conflict. As a natural phenomenon, why does conflict exist?

Conflict are opportunities directed change. The nature of conflict in the human sense is rooted in misunderstandings and desperation. Conflicts require a catalyst for a transformation. That catalyst is the means of Peacemaking and Justice. If conflicts are neglected or mishandled, they will persist. The opportunity is still un-seized, but it will morph due to the dynamic of time.

Photo by Nathan Dumlao

So, what shall we do?

Let us not neglect. Let us not escalate. Let us not mishandle.

We must be patience and proactive. Why not use peaceful means? Let us fall to petty means.

War is but a violent form of conflict resolution. Empire is a plague of violent conflict.

How might we not resort to violence?

Understand that the strongest do not require a weapon.

Understand that there are no enemies.

In the great opportunity within Conflict, our lives can truly transform with peace & justice.

