The Power of Dialogue

Published in
2 min readFeb 15, 2022

Argument and Debate are modes of competition. Argument is a verbal joust of who is right and wrong. Debate is a competition between ideas or perspectives. We can learn from these modes, but both lack a productive means of transformation.

Debates are more or less a show. It is an entertainment of ideas pitted against each other. Which debater will win the crowd or even judges? The beauty of the debate is that it showcases the complexity of our human lives.

Arguments arise when there is a scramble of communication, but often there is a lack of listening. How does arguing solve a problem? Arguments may unveil or even clarify problems. And yet, How do we move forward?

Dialogue and Discussion is the motion of transformation. Within these practices, It is a “We” rather than a “You & I” or even “Us & Them”. Dialogue is collaborative.

Jiddu Krishnamurti provides us a beautiful perspective: “Thinking together and thinking about something are two different things. What does it mean to be in communication with each other? When one is seeking one’s own fulfillment, ambition, security and success, that must inevitably create division.”

And so, to have a discussion is to seek a collective fulfillment. We work together. We bring our minds and experiences together for a solution. Each individual is valuable, and thus listening becomes imperative. We are faced with a complexity and our avenue to reconcile is to listen for the common ground. Or, how I see it, we listen for the thread that connects each person. This thread is of our humanity.

Our Shared Humanity is the basis of all Dialogue and Discussion. When we are looking into the eyes of a fellow human, Humanity stands before you. In your very eyes, Humanity lives. The significance of Discussion is a dispelling of division and separateness. It is an inclusionary practice.

In light of Peacecraft, Dialogue and Discussion is paramount in the pursuance of Peace and Justice. It is only through these practice Peace can establish because when we begin to listen and include others to create a better world, our humanity shows us where we should go. If we are exclusionary and seek a direction through competition, this only begets violence and can escalate to war.

Listen. Learn. Understand. The jewel of Dialogue is the transformative property of Understanding. But this Jewel is only unearth through Humility. A humility in that we are all Humanity. A humility that we are Children of Children.

