What is Peacecraft?

Published in
1 min readFeb 2, 2022

In our current times, we have been enmeshed into war culture. Within this war culture, we have the science and art of War, called “Warcraft”. To present an alternative for Peace, why not establish “Peacecraft”?

Inspired by Johan Galtung, TRANSCEND Intl and Jiddu Krishnamurti, Peacecraft is the Praxis of Peace and so much more. Peacecraft is also centered on the juge de paix, justice of the peace. It is a toolkit and methodology developed to advance Peace and Justice through different scales and scopes. Furthermore, Peacecraft is the employment of Social Innovation through Innovation Tools & Strategy.

These tools, methods and processes will not be enough though. Peacecraft begins with user. Using the Integral Approach, the Peacemaker is not separate from the Conflict Transformation. The Peacemaker is a catalyst. The End is the Transformation of Conflict into Peace. The Means of Peacecraft is Beyond Mediation & Conflict Resolution. The Peacemaker must hone oneself to craft Peace through Just Non-Violent Means.

This project pursues to establish Peacecraft as a widely-accepted discipline alongside Peace & Conflict Studies. World Peace can never be imposed. World Peace can only be created together.

