F@ck the US, F@ck Russia, F@ck Israel, F@ck Hamas, F@ck the Ukraine…

Tina Schomburg
Peaceful Combat
Published in
2 min readJul 26, 2014

The curtain opens.

Political leaders walk up to a pedestal and start pointing to the images of death and destruction behind them. “Look at what the enemy did!” Anger and frustration is boiling amongst the audience members. “We must destroy them. Who’s with me?”

“Everyone move to the right side of the theatre if you support your home country’s mission to take out the enemy. Everyone move to the left if you are against your home country’s endeavour. But choose wisely or we will instruct the most manipulated supporters of the right side to attack you with illogical facts and hate slurs.”

F@ck this theatre show.

Being forced to support one side, and begrudge the other. That’s the whole point, don’t you see?

Create a division amongst the people while the leaders of these countries jerk each other off behind the scenes. The real enemy is standing up on that pedestal.

Fuck the left side, fuck the right side. You are giving the leaders of this world the justification and support they need to send your own people into a war that is dangerously self-serving. The only one that stands to gain anything is them. The only people that stand to lose anything is you.

We have got to start moving to the middle. We need to find neutral territory that stands for Anti-War, not division.

This is a dog fight. And you can take a wild guess who the fighting dogs and who the greedy owners are. War is a money machine, don’t you know?

Its fuel is blood. And the more blood is shed, the bigger the profits get.

War is a tool of distraction. It shifts our focus away from addressing problems inside our own country (see: corruption, poverty, inequality). The leaders don’t want you to criticize your own system; they want you to be too busy hating other systems. Wake up.

The most effective way to save your brothers and sisters, and fathers and mothers from getting killer in exchange for these ideologically fascist dreams is to show your middle finger to all the political leaders that dare to put us into the predicament of picking sides and killing fellow human beings.

Underneath our skin colour, religious beliefs, and cultural values, we are all human beings.

I applaud the strong individuals who show unconditional love and compassion for the people that are ruled by the ‘enemy’. We need more of them.

Will you lay down your arms and bias viewpoints in support of universal love?




Tina Schomburg
Peaceful Combat

Co-author of the anthology Her Art of Surrender, Yoga teacher, Certified Death Doula, Intuitive Counsellor, and 2x Cancer Survivor. www.tinaschomburg.com