Why Michelle Obama Is Fighting the Wrong Battle

Tina Schomburg
Peaceful Combat
Published in
3 min readMar 25, 2014


It is called Junk Food.

According to the Dictionary, Junk is “any old or discarded material, as metal, paper, or rags.”

According to the Thesaurus, synonyms for junk include but are not limited to the following: garbage, trash, rubbish, filth.

And just for the sake of exhausting all mediums in order to really understand what junk is, let’s check out Google Images.

This is it, everyone — this is junk. Pretty disgusting right?

So tell me, why don’t you have that same aversion to Junk Food?

Junk food certainly looks a lot more appealing than the image above, but don’t be fooled by flashy branding and pseudo-healthy claims about what’s inside.

Junk + Food = Junk Food

I’m a big fan of visuals since they leave only the smallest room for misunderstanding and incomprehension. So here is what that equation looks like in pictures:

Junk + Food = Junk Food

You wouldn’t eat a pile of garbage. But when it’s packaged, sweetened, battered, fried, and cheaper than most alternative options, then it’s okay for you to put it in your mouth, right?

Surprise! Appearance, taste, and overall consumer experience does not change the fact that you are feeding your body junk, garbage, filth, rubbish.

The purpose of depicting the term Junk Food is not to point fingers at those who consume it. It’s merely intended to be a call to caution about what you put into your body. This garbage is bad for you! It leads to all types of diseases. I don’t want my family and friends to get sick. It blows, I know first hand. So when I see them consume junk food, I want to yell, “It’s called JUNK food for a reason!”

And when the messaging is that blatant, one must wonder, What ever happened to common sense?

The sheer fact that many of us willingly shove something into our mouth that is called JUNK food seems utterly absurd and insane.

Here is something else that boggles my mind. How is it that for $1.25 I can either purchase one small kiwi OR one burger?

What’s wrong with this picture? You can hardly get an apple for that price. No wonder Canada’s obesity rate has TRIPLED over the past 30 years. And let’s not even talk about the USA!

How are we supposed to make healthy lifestyle choices when the odds are stacked up against us like that? Savvy packaging, puffery, subliminal messaging, and unfair pricing schemes…the big ass problem (pardon the pun) is not a lack of exercise, Michelle Obama! Perhaps our governments should take a closer look at their chummy corporate friends who act like wizards, marketing garbage in magic wrapping paper that makes us sick and fat when we consume it.

You think that governments have our best interests at heart? Then explain to me why there are no harsh regulations on junk food. After all, it can be as toxic and addictive as smoking. It makes no sense at all.

But then again, it is called JUNK food. And with a little bit of common sense, you see that this alone is a pretty big red flag that reads:

Stay clear of the garbage aisle while grocery shopping!

Want to join me in helping others stay clear of Junk Food and call for stricter regulations around Junk Food marketing? Share it, recommend it, tell someone!



Tina Schomburg
Peaceful Combat

Co-author of the anthology Her Art of Surrender, Yoga teacher, Certified Death Doula, Intuitive Counsellor, and 2x Cancer Survivor. www.tinaschomburg.com