
Published in
5 min readMay 26, 2020
這麼久以來我都已經習慣這些廢話 我是不是已經懶得抱怨?


來法國後長期因為沒什麼朋友,跟以前的生活差太多,常常很憂鬱,覺得沒有人需要自己,例如班上有需要什麼人幫忙去跟辦公室聯絡,這種小事也因為語言的關係一點都幫不上忙XD 以前看到什麼好笑的東西、令人生氣的東西都想找人分享,可惜這裡沒有人看得懂反正我很閒,也沒人在乎香港怎麼了,所以我都貼給台灣的朋友一起笑、一起生氣,然後關掉視窗後再回到這個沒人在乎我的地方做我的作業。



  • 想批評別人的時候,可以試著放棄對方,不一定要繼續在心理批評他,反正跟別人講別人也不在乎,乾脆不要講了,而且常常想著不能跟別人講,自己也就不想想了XD
  • 心情不好的時候可以不用一定要找人講話,跟別人取暖到後來總是有點反過來看不起自己,又看不起對方。最近我都練習查查看有什麼書可以對自己的情緒有什麼解釋,幸運的話我還能透過書中的方法更諒解自己一些。以前批判都要找人鬥嘴,現在跟書裡的內容批判也不錯啦...還不用惹人厭。


禮拜五交了semi-cartoon作業(雖然其實還沒做完),想說來回應一下這禮拜班上同學一直在群組吵得希望學校退部分學費的事情(因為武漢肺炎的關係我們直接變成online class到畢業 loool),阿維之前寫過一次信給學校直接被拒絕全部他想要的要求,我想說也許可以加上一些為什麼我們這麼要求,我們損失了什麼跟為什麼學校需要給我們補償的原因,幹結果發到群組沒幾個人在乎XDDDD在乎的除了阿維私訊給我之外其他三人只是按個愛心...

hello guys

i agree it would be harder to have refund from the school, because the lost of everyone is different and we never know how much money we actually lost(for example we dont know the rent of the school, how much it cost for each lesson…etc). it’s hard to have a actual number to ask the school to refund. i think maybe we could keep asking for more education and the festival tickets at least based on these reasons i could come up with :

*general concept: we truly dont have the same quality studying at gobelins as a student of this year. This is not what we expected and we are disappointed. The lost of unpredictable pandemic should not be paid by students, even though the school tried their best to help us.

-sometimes we lost our opportunity to focus on just studying animation. for example, we spent some time for help the online class keep going, like we switch between different some platforms because bb doesnt work well all the time. and sometimes we lost some part of the class because of internet connection.

-harder to have the chance to encourage and get inspiration by each other. (screening/ taking care of each other in the classroom…)

-mental health influences our life and efficiency of studying

-we might bought some tools and devices for studying at home, which we didnt need to buy if we work at school. (more internet data, wifi adapter, office chair…etc). And maybe some of us pay more utilities (electricity for example)

PS. for foreign students: because we will have a difficult time to find internships compare to previous years. if the school could extend the graduation date and provide us the certification of it. maybe it would be good for us, because we might could have longer extension for our student visa



