Episode 11: The Opposition School District Edition

Published in
2 min readSep 12, 2016


On this week’s episode, we discuss the Opportunity School District proposal that will be before Georgia voters on the November ballot. We also take a look at the response to the proposal from Democrats in the state. And we close the show with a review of this voter forum from Georgia Political Rewind.

Show Notes:

  • You can learn about the OSD proposal from the Governor with these resources:
  • Governor’s office overview of OSD.
  • Latest list of eligible schools
  • FAQ
  • You can see reviews of the statewide district models similar to Georgia’s in Louisiana (here and here) and Tennessee.
  • Kyle discusses a successful statewide takeover program based on this research from NBER.
  • The Georgia Budget and Policy Institute weighed in on OSD here.
  • The outcome of Louisiana’s transition away from their Recovery School District is described in this reporting from the Times-Picayune.
  • Here are some examples of criticism of the Governor’s education legacy from Better Georgia:
  • Governor Deal’s failures.
  • Role of outside voices in education policy.
  • Highlighting the bad actions of a single charter leader as a part of a critique of school choice generally.
  • Here is some of the research Kyle cites on the impact of presidential approval ratings on the elections of state legislators. Here’s an overview of this research from Vox.
  • From Kyle’s endnote: Louisiana judges issue harsher sentences when LSU loses football games they are expected to win. Research from NBER and reporting from the Atlantic.
  • From Luke’s endnote: Hillary Clinton sits down with Humans of New York.

Originally published at peachpod.org.




A Georgia politics podcast hosted by @kjhayes17, @LukeVBoggs, and @MeganPayne_Tech covering politics and policy in #gapol