Follow along with PeachPod during the Georgia Sixth runoff

Austin Wagner
Published in
3 min readJun 20, 2017

Alright, everyone. It’s finally here. The Georgia Sixth runoff ends today, and we here at PeachPod have put together a watch guide for you to follow along tonight. I’ll be updating a Google Spreadsheet as the results come in. We’ve got a two different sheets for you to follow along.

Before I explain the different sheets, I’ll start off by giving the initial hat tip to FiveThirtyEight for the basis for this spreadsheet. I jumped off from their Ossoff benchmarks from the primary and expanded them into this. Their framework gave an even benchmark from a weighted average of Obama and Clinton numbers in each precinct. Given that, the precincts are color coded. The beige precincts are split precincts, which didn’t get a benchmark. Yellow precincts are new precincts and only used the Clinton numbers in the benchmark.

I’ve split this spreadsheet in to two different versions with a precinct and a county view each. The first is benchmark/percentage based.

Benchmark View

This view lists the benchmark and current percentage for each candidate. It also includes the raw vote totals. Obviously, this will be useful for the final totals and understanding which precincts are keeping pace for either candidate.

Raw Vote View

The second view is based more on a turnout mindset. This breaks down each precinct/county by actual vote numbers rather than percentages. Turnout is tracked in the left columns and the primary vote totals are included for each candidate. The other columns will update throughout the night to compare raw numbers to the primary results.

As mentioned, each of these views will have both precinct and county level results updated throughout the night. Hopefully, Fulton County will report in a timely manner without the mishap of another faulty data card. Polls close at 7:00pm, but depending on issues throughout the day, we may see polls extended as we did in the primary. Given how close this race will likely be, I’d expect to be up late finalizing the numbers. I’ll try to stay up until the bitter end with you and update as we go along.

For those of you that want a bit more, look here for my analysis on the primary results:

And look here for a discussion of the early vote turnout:

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Austin Wagner

Smyrna City Councilman for Ward 2 @appstate and @GeorgetownLaw alum