What are you thinking about? Tomorrow.

Austin Wagner
Published in
4 min readNov 10, 2016

We’re all reeling from the election of Donald Trump. Once again we have an election with differing results in the popular vote and the electoral college. Unfortunately for Democrats, we lost the part that counts. That means that Donald Trump won by the rules of the game. Even after all the accusations of rigging, Donald Trump won by securing the second most votes. There is a whole load of irony to go along with that, but I’m not sure any of us are in the mood.

So, where do we go from here? We’ve got plenty of options, but I’m worried that we might choose the worst of them. I’m worried that we decide to become just like the worst supporters of the man we fought so hard to keep out of the White House.

There’s a lot of blame going around right now. Blaming “white America” for its support of Donald Trump. Blaming “black America” for not showing up to vote. Blaming other Americas for not voting for Democrats. Blaming the 50% of America who didn’t show up to vote.

Blaming “white America” or “black America” or “Hispanic America” or whatever other America only exemplifies the fact that this election will be remembered as one in which the Democrats failed to focus on the issues and reach out to the people typically marginalized to their racial or social identity in the political arena.

We have to focus on being the party for all America from today onward. Not just the party for the groups of people that typically vote for us. There’s more to this country and more we can do for this country. Donald Trump tried to divide us even further into different Americas. Don’t let him succeed.

Let’s fight tooth and nail against Trump and his bigotry, but let’s remember what issues we care about when we do it. It’s not just about the man but also the positions of the party he represents.

Even in all of this, we cannot simply be the anti-Trump party. What we’re fighting against is more than just Trump.

I’d encourage all Democrats to stand up for what they believe. Vote for the issues they believe. Don’t obstruct just to obstruct. Don’t oppose just to oppose. Remember what we fought for when Obama came into office. Remember what we fought against when you voted against Trump. Remember that we fought for what is right and what is just.

Don’t succumb to the hatred that enveloped the Trump campaign. Don’t succumb to the methods that we railed against for so long. Don’t succumb to the anger and vitriol. That is what got us here in the first place. We have to rise above the environment and culture that led to Trump.

So we can’t just be the anti-Trump party. It didn’t win in the places we needed it to, and it won’t win in the future. It can only be part of a strategy dedicated to the issues that we’ve been fighting for. The policies that will protect those that Trump has targeted. Make it about those people, not just the man in the White House.

We have to utilize a strategy that reaches out to those that will be hurt by the Trump policies. That could be helped by the Democratic platform. We have to reach out to the Trump voters and to those that didn’t vote. We need to speak to them and show them what our platform can do. That our policies can change their lives and their children’s lives for the better.

We cannot act out in hatred or division. That is what Trump has done, and we can and should be better than that. Trump took the low road and won. That doesn’t mean we get to take the low road too.

If you really believe the messages of the Clinton campaign, that we are Stronger Together and that Love Trumps Hate, then we have to live that out. By engaging in a race to the bottom, we will become no better that the man we fought against.

We will have no solid ground to stand on if we stoop to the level of Trump. Fight for what you believe and act with honor. It will be difficult, but I’d rather lose by taking the high road than win like Trump.

We fight for our freedom from here on out. Not just in four years when the president is on the ballot, but from today on. We fight for our city councils. We fight for our county commissioners. We fight for our school boards. We fight for our state legislatures. We fight for our attorneys general, our secretaries of state, our governors.

We fight the right way now, because, in four years, I want to say we didn’t have to become like Trump to take back this country. We are better than that.

The high road can and will win the war. This is bigger than one man or one woman. This is about all of us and the issues we stand for. Don’t let this just be a fight against Trump because no one wins that way.

Let this be a fight for all the people. That’s how we all come out of this for the better.



Austin Wagner

Smyrna City Councilman for Ward 2 @appstate and @GeorgetownLaw alum