Feasibility Studies for Expansion Projects: What Lenders Need to Consider When Reviewing Feasibility Studies for Business Expansions

Ever wondered what lenders need to consider when reviewing feasibility studies for business expansions? Expanding a business is a significant undertaking that requires careful planning, detailed analysis, and comprehensive feasibility studies. These studies provide a clear picture of the potential success of an expansion project and are essential for securing financing. This comprehensive guide will delve into the key factors that lenders look for in feasibility studies and provide insights into creating a compelling case for business expansion. Additionally, we will share a real-life client story to illustrate these principles in action.

Introduction to Feasibility Studies

A feasibility study is a detailed analysis that assesses the viability of a proposed project or business expansion. It examines various aspects, including market demand, financial projections, operational plans, risk assessment, and the management team’s capabilities. For SBA lenders, a well-constructed feasibility study is critical in determining whether to approve financing for an expansion project.

Key Factors in Reviewing Feasibility Studies

1. Market Demand

Market demand is one of the first aspects that lenders assess in a feasibility study. They want to ensure that there is a strong and sustainable demand for the expanded products or services.

  • Market Trends: Analyzing current market trends helps determine whether the expansion aligns with industry growth and customer preferences.
  • Customer Needs: Understanding the target customers’ needs and behaviors provides insights into the potential acceptance of the expanded offerings.
  • Market Share Potential: Estimating the potential market share helps gauge the expansion’s impact and its ability to attract and retain customers.

2. Financial Projections

Accurate and realistic financial projections are essential for assessing the financial viability of the expansion.

  • Expected Costs: Detailed cost projections, including capital expenditures, operating expenses, and any other associated costs, are necessary.
  • Revenue Forecasts: Projections of expected revenue based on market demand and pricing strategies help assess the expansion’s profitability.
  • Projected Profitability: Calculating the expected profitability, including net profit margins and return on investment, provides a clear picture of the financial benefits of the expansion.

3. Operational Plan

A comprehensive operational plan outlines how the expansion will be executed and managed.

  • Timelines: Clear timelines for each phase of the expansion, from planning to execution, ensure that the project stays on track.
  • Resource Allocation: Detailed plans for allocating resources, including personnel, equipment, and facilities, demonstrate the feasibility of the expansion.
  • Operational Changes: Identifying any required changes to current operations helps in understanding the impact of the expansion on the existing business.

4. Risk Assessment

Identifying potential risks and developing mitigation strategies are critical for ensuring the stability and sustainability of the expansion.

  • Potential Risks: Analyzing potential risks, such as market fluctuations, regulatory changes, and operational challenges, helps in preparing for uncertainties.
  • Mitigation Strategies: Developing strategies to mitigate identified risks shows lenders that the business is prepared to handle potential challenges.
  • Risk Management Plan: A comprehensive risk management plan outlines how risks will be monitored and managed throughout the expansion process.

5. Management Team

The capabilities and experience of the management team play a significant role in the success of the expansion.

  • Team Experience: Assessing the management team’s experience and track record in handling similar projects provides confidence in their ability to execute the expansion.
  • Leadership Skills: Evaluating the leadership skills and decision-making abilities of the management team ensures they can navigate the complexities of the expansion.
  • Support Systems: Identifying any external advisors or consultants who will support the management team during the expansion process adds to the feasibility of the project.

Case Study: A Client’s Journey with Feasibility Studies

To illustrate the importance of feasibility studies, let’s look at the story of Sarah, an entrepreneur looking to expand her specialty coffee shop chain. Sarah’s journey highlights the critical role of a detailed feasibility study in making informed business decisions and securing financing.

Initial Assessment

Sarah identified an opportunity to expand her successful coffee shop chain to new locations. To secure an SBA loan for the expansion, she needed to conduct a thorough feasibility study.

  • Purpose of the Feasibility Study: Sarah needed the study to assess the viability of the expansion and support her loan application.
  • Information Gathering: She collected detailed financial records, market data, and operational information about her existing coffee shops and the potential new locations.

Market Demand Analysis

Sarah began by analyzing market demand for her specialty coffee shops in the proposed new locations:

  • Market Trends: She researched current market trends in the coffee shop industry, including the growing popularity of specialty coffee and consumer preferences for unique coffee experiences.
  • Customer Needs: Sarah conducted surveys and focus groups to understand the preferences and behaviors of potential customers in the new locations.
  • Market Share Potential: She estimated the potential market share by analyzing the competition and identifying gaps in the market that her coffee shops could fill.

Financial Projections

Next, Sarah developed detailed financial projections for the expansion:

  • Expected Costs: She calculated the expected costs for each new location, including lease agreements, renovations, equipment purchases, and staffing.
  • Revenue Forecasts: Sarah projected revenue based on expected customer footfall, average transaction values, and promotional activities.
  • Projected Profitability: She calculated the expected profitability for each new location, ensuring that the expansion would be financially viable.

Operational Plan

Sarah created a comprehensive operational plan to outline the execution of the expansion:

  • Timelines: She developed detailed timelines for each phase of the expansion, from site selection and lease negotiations to renovations and grand openings.
  • Resource Allocation: Sarah planned the allocation of resources, including hiring new staff, training existing employees, and procuring necessary equipment and supplies.
  • Operational Changes: She identified any changes needed to her current operations, such as implementing new inventory management systems and marketing strategies.

Risk Assessment

Sarah conducted a thorough risk assessment to identify potential challenges and develop mitigation strategies:

  • Potential Risks: She analyzed potential risks, such as delays in construction, regulatory hurdles, and competition from established coffee shops.
  • Mitigation Strategies: Sarah developed strategies to mitigate these risks, including contingency plans for delays, securing necessary permits in advance, and differentiating her offerings from competitors.
  • Risk Management Plan: She created a risk management plan to monitor and manage risks throughout the expansion process, ensuring that any issues were addressed promptly.

Management Team Evaluation

Sarah assessed the capabilities of her management team to ensure they could successfully execute the expansion:

  • Team Experience: She evaluated her team’s experience in managing similar projects and their track record of success in the coffee shop industry.
  • Leadership Skills: Sarah assessed the leadership skills of her key managers, ensuring they could navigate the complexities of the expansion.
  • Support Systems: She identified external advisors and consultants who could provide additional support and expertise during the expansion process.

Impact of the Feasibility Study

The comprehensive feasibility study provided Sarah with the insights she needed to make informed decisions and secure the necessary financing:

  • Market Demand Validation: The market demand analysis confirmed that there was strong potential for her specialty coffee shops in the new locations, giving Sarah confidence in her expansion plans.
  • Financial Viability: The detailed financial projections demonstrated that the expansion would be financially viable, with healthy profit margins and a strong return on investment.
  • Operational Readiness: The comprehensive operational plan showed that Sarah was well-prepared to execute the expansion efficiently and effectively.
  • Risk Preparedness: The thorough risk assessment and mitigation strategies provided reassurance that potential challenges could be managed successfully.
  • Management Capability: The evaluation of her management team confirmed that they had the experience and skills necessary to lead the expansion to success.


Feasibility studies are essential tools for assessing the viability of business expansion projects. By considering market demand, financial projections, operational plans, risk assessments, and management capabilities, lenders can make informed decisions about financing expansion projects. A well-constructed feasibility study provides the confidence needed to move forward with an expansion, ensuring that all aspects of the project are carefully planned and evaluated.

For further assistance with feasibility studies and business valuation, reach out to Peak Business Valuation at Peak Business Valuation Contact or call 435–359–2684. Accurate feasibility studies and valuations are just a call away!



Ryan Hutchins, Partner at Peak Business Valuation
Peak Business Valuation

Ryan is a business valuation professional. His company, Peak Business Valuation, values over 1,200 companies for buyers, sellers, bankers, attorneys, etc.