The Role of Feasibility Studies: How Feasibility Studies Can Influence Lending Decisions for New Ventures


Have you ever wondered how feasibility studies can impact lending decisions for new ventures? Feasibility studies are essential tools that guide both lenders and borrowers through the complexities of starting a new business. This comprehensive guide will explore the importance of feasibility studies, detailing their benefits and the process involved. We’ll also share a real-life client story to illustrate their impact on lending decisions.

Introduction to Feasibility Studies

A feasibility study is a comprehensive analysis that assesses the viability of a proposed business venture. It examines various aspects of the project, including market demand, financial projections, technical requirements, and potential risks. For SBA and USDA lenders, as well as borrowers, feasibility studies provide critical insights that influence lending decisions and ensure the success of new ventures.

The Importance of Feasibility Studies

Feasibility studies play a pivotal role in determining the potential success of a new business venture. Here’s why they matter:

1. Project Viability

  • Assessment of Viability: Feasibility studies assess whether a proposed venture is viable, helping lenders determine if the project is worth financing and giving borrowers confidence in their business plan.
  • Operational Feasibility: They examine the operational aspects of the venture, ensuring that the business can be practically implemented and sustained.

2. Risk Identification

  • Identification of Risks: These studies identify potential risks and challenges, allowing lenders to evaluate the likelihood of success and borrowers to prepare mitigation strategies.
  • Contingency Planning: Feasibility studies help borrowers develop contingency plans to address identified risks, enhancing the overall resilience of the business.

3. Financial Projections

  • Detailed Financial Projections: By providing detailed financial projections, feasibility studies help lenders understand the expected return on investment and assist borrowers in setting realistic financial goals.
  • Revenue and Expense Forecasts: They include forecasts of revenues and expenses, helping stakeholders gauge the financial performance of the venture over time.

4. Market Analysis

  • Comprehensive Market Analysis: Feasibility studies include comprehensive market analysis, ensuring that the demand for the product or service is sufficient to support the new venture.
  • Competitive Landscape: They examine the competitive landscape, identifying key competitors and market dynamics that could impact the business.

5. Resource Assessment

  • Evaluation of Resources: Feasibility studies evaluate the resources required, such as capital, equipment, and personnel, ensuring that borrowers have a clear plan for obtaining what they need.
  • Resource Allocation: They provide insights into the efficient allocation of resources, helping businesses optimize their operations and maximize profitability.

The Feasibility Study Process

Understanding the process of conducting a feasibility study is essential for appreciating its value. Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of how it works:

1. Initial Assessment

  • Purpose Identification: Determine the reason for the feasibility study, whether it’s for securing a loan, launching a new product, or expanding an existing business.
  • Information Gathering: Collect detailed information about the proposed venture, including market data, financial records, and technical specifications.

2. Market Analysis

  • Market Research: Conduct thorough market research to assess demand, identify target customers, and understand market trends.
  • Competitive Analysis: Analyze the competitive landscape to identify key competitors, their strengths and weaknesses, and potential market opportunities.

3. Technical Analysis

  • Technical Requirements: Evaluate the technical requirements of the venture, including equipment, technology, and operational processes.
  • Implementation Plan: Develop a detailed implementation plan that outlines the steps required to launch and sustain the business.

4. Financial Analysis

  • Cost Analysis: Conduct a comprehensive cost analysis to identify startup costs, ongoing operational expenses, and potential cost savings.
  • Revenue Projections: Develop revenue projections based on market demand, pricing strategies, and sales forecasts.
  • Profitability Assessment: Assess the profitability of the venture by comparing projected revenues and expenses, ensuring that the business is financially viable.

5. Risk Analysis

  • Risk Identification: Identify potential risks and challenges that could impact the success of the venture.
  • Mitigation Strategies: Develop strategies to mitigate identified risks, ensuring that the business can adapt to changing circumstances and unforeseen challenges.

6. Report Generation

  • Comprehensive Report: Generate a comprehensive feasibility study report that includes detailed analyses, findings, and recommendations.
  • Clear Presentation: Present the report in a clear and understandable format, ensuring that all stakeholders can easily interpret the findings and make informed decisions.

Case Study: A Client’s Journey with Feasibility Studies

To illustrate the importance of feasibility studies, let’s look at the story of Sarah, an entrepreneur looking to launch a wake surf facility. Sarah’s journey highlights the critical role of feasibility studies in making informed business decisions and securing financing.

Initial Assessment

Sarah identified a unique opportunity to launch a wake surf facility in a popular tourist destination. To secure financing and ensure the venture’s success, she needed a comprehensive feasibility study.

  • Purpose of the Feasibility Study: Sarah needed the feasibility study to assess the viability of the wake surf facility and support her loan application.
  • Information Gathering: She provided detailed information about the proposed facility, including market data, financial records, and technical specifications.

Market Analysis

The feasibility team conducted a thorough market analysis:

  • Market Research: They conducted extensive market research to assess demand for wake surfing, identify target customers, and understand market trends.
  • Competitive Analysis: The team analyzed the competitive landscape, identifying key competitors and potential market opportunities for the wake surf facility.

Technical Analysis

  • Technical Requirements: The feasibility team evaluated the technical requirements of the wake surf facility, including equipment, technology, and operational processes.
  • Implementation Plan: They developed a detailed implementation plan that outlined the steps required to launch and sustain the facility.

Financial Analysis

The financial analysis provided detailed insights into the financial viability of the wake surf facility:

  • Cost Analysis: The team conducted a comprehensive cost analysis to identify startup costs, ongoing operational expenses, and potential cost savings.
  • Revenue Projections: They developed revenue projections based on market demand, pricing strategies, and sales forecasts.
  • Profitability Assessment: The feasibility team assessed the profitability of the facility by comparing projected revenues and expenses, ensuring that the venture was financially viable.

Risk Analysis

The risk analysis identified potential challenges and mitigation strategies:

  • Risk Identification: The team identified potential risks, such as seasonal fluctuations in demand and weather-related challenges.
  • Mitigation Strategies: They developed strategies to mitigate these risks, including diversifying revenue streams and implementing weather-resistant infrastructure.

Report Generation

The feasibility team generated a comprehensive report:

  • Detailed Analysis: The report included detailed analyses of market demand, technical requirements, financial projections, and potential risks, along with recommendations for success.
  • Clear Presentation: The report was presented in a clear and understandable format, ensuring that Sarah and the lenders could easily interpret the findings.

Impact of the Feasibility Study

The feasibility study provided Sarah with the insights she needed to make informed decisions and secure the necessary financing:

  • Project Viability: The feasibility study confirmed the viability of the wake surf facility, giving Sarah confidence in her business plan and helping lenders determine that the project was worth financing.
  • Risk Identification: The study identified potential risks and challenges, allowing Sarah to prepare mitigation strategies and enhancing the overall resilience of the business.
  • Financial Projections: The detailed financial projections helped lenders understand the expected return on investment and assisted Sarah in setting realistic financial goals.
  • Market Analysis: The comprehensive market analysis ensured that the demand for wake surfing was sufficient to support the facility, providing a solid foundation for the venture.
  • Resource Assessment: The feasibility study evaluated the resources required, such as capital, equipment, and personnel, ensuring that Sarah had a clear plan for obtaining what she needed.


Understanding the importance of feasibility studies is essential for both lenders and borrowers. These studies provide a clear and accurate picture of a project’s viability, identify potential risks, offer detailed financial projections, conduct comprehensive market analysis, and evaluate the resources required. By following a thorough feasibility study process, both parties can benefit from a smoother, more efficient decision-making process and better financial planning.

For further assistance or detailed feasibility studies, reach out to Peak Business Valuation at Peak Business Valuation Contact or call 435–359–2684. Accurate financial analysis is just a call away!



Ryan Hutchins, Partner at Peak Business Valuation
Peak Business Valuation

Ryan is a business valuation professional. His company, Peak Business Valuation, values over 1,200 companies for buyers, sellers, bankers, attorneys, etc.