Tips for a Productive WFH

Akshay khale
Peak Mind
Published in
3 min readMar 20, 2020
Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

Due to the Corona Virus outbreak, almost every company in India is pushing for Work From Home (WFH). But WFH is not equally productive for everyone, most of the time, engineers are super-productive but there are many other people who are struggling with the WFH. So, in this article, I will be sharing some productivity tips from my free-lancing days which might be helpful for you to knock off all the things from your To-Do List.

Let’s get started:

1. Set a Schedule:

It is very important to set a schedule, I am a nocturnal person, I am productive in the night. I prefer working in the night but I have to adjust my time according to my team so that I can attend the Conference call for the daily updates and discussions.

I have set a thorough schedule that helps me to work during my productive hours and I will be able to attend the Team meetings without being drowsy. I have set reminders and alarms which keep me on track and helps me to avoid distractions.

2. Comfort is paramount:

Everyone on Instagram is sharing the Pictures of their Home desk and almost all of those pictures looked like an office cubicle. I prefer the office desk but when I am working from home, I like it to be comfortable. No Fancy ergonomic chair, No desk, instead I sit on a pillow on the ground keeping my back straight taking support from the Sofa with a light snack for munching and a water bottle. Yes, that’s my home desk.

3. Fill in the silence:

Most of the time, I am alone in my room when I am working. I prefer some soothing music, Ebook, Podcast or Binaural Beats playing on my Google Home to fill in for the silence.

4. Don't neglect the health:

Health is important, especially in this endemic situation, I should be eating healthy food with all the nutrition and the food which improves my immune system. I hate to cook when I am alone at home. In such a situation, I optimize my food to minimum efforts and maximum results.

I mostly eat a Peanut butter sandwich, 2 boiled eggs, a fruit and a glass full of turmeric latte (Warm milk with a tablespoon of Turmeric in it), yes that’s my lunch with all the nutritions and very fewer efforts.

I keep a water bottle handy to keep myself hydrated and I also set a walking reminder on my fitness band which keeps reminding me to take a small walk after every 20 Minutes.

5. Reward yourself:

Don’t forget to reward yourself after a highly productive day, It could be one episode (and just one episode) of your favorite T.V. Series or giving yourself a small treat. Rewards have a positive impact on your behavior, It will surely boost your enthusiasm ending up giving you a better focused next day.

6. Don’t be lazy:

Since you don’t have to wake up for the office, you might be waking up late and start your day a little late, but I would recommend you, not to do that, instead replace the commute time with another activity like a workout session at home, reading session or spend that extra hour listening to a podcast or watching a video lecture from an online course. Waking up early is a good habit don’t lose that because of this temporary situation.

Habits are like a chain reaction, you introduce one and it will lead to another. The choice is whether you start with a good one or a bad one.


Staying all day at home almost quarantined at home, Working from home trying to avoid distractions can be daunting but it’s a temporary situation. It’s not easy but with a little discipline, you can turn it into a happy, productive day.

Thank you for reading.

Live long a prosper!!!

