WEEK 4: Scenarios and Service Blue Print

This week, we refined sketched out a key scenario and used it almost like a blueprint to guide our discussion.

Denise Nguyen
1 min readApr 6, 2017


Then we discussed questions we still have to answer.

Story Board

We story boarded out a scenario and started creating a service blueprint.

Questions We Still Have:

  1. Interview a current child with asthma
  2. Should we think about $$$ (monitoring?
  3. Should we recruit from other mentorship programs or stay within the school?
  4. How do mentors get certified?
  5. Can mentors carry the inhaler?
  6. Should we narrow does to an age (maybe 6–11 yrs old)?
  7. Does the mentor seeing the medical info mean that there should always be parental supervision?
  8. How does our service build trust?
  9. Does the mentor initiate contact?
  10. Should the meetings be group sessions or 1–1?
  11. What is the value for parents and teens?
  12. How do you people learn about our service?
  13. How does the mentor sign up for this? What are they incentivized by?

