WEEK 5: Scenarios

Sketch User Scenarios and Consider Prototypes

Denise Nguyen
4 min readApr 14, 2017


We started this week by updating our Value Flow diagram. Then we drew up some scenarios for our service. Finally, we considered some possible touch points to prototype.

Updated Value Flow

We added to our Value Flow to include discoverability stakeholders: Asthma Organizations, Clinics, Hospitals, Friends Family, Schools, and Support Groups.

User Scenarios

  1. Mentor Training Process (Background Check, Asthma Training, Interpersonal Training)
  2. Sign Up
  3. First In-Person Meeting (Parent, Child, Mentor)
  4. Assigned a Mentor and Scheduling a Meeting
  5. After 6 Months


  • Maggie: Mom
  • Dexter: Child with Asthma
  • Oliver: Mentor/Pre-med Student

Scenario 1: Mentor Training

  1. Oliver, a pre-med student, at UPITT is interested in being a mentor. He is interested in working with children with respiratory problem by gaining hands on experience. He would also like to gain interpersonal skills.
  2. He hears about OUR SERVICE from one of his professors and be excitingly signs up for it.
  3. Before Oliver can come on board as a mentor, he needs to go through asthma training, pick up necessary interpersonal skills, and pass a background check.

Scenario 2: Discovery & Sign Up for Service

  1. Maggie, the parent, is worried Dexter’s, her child’s, lack of exercise, but doesn’t know that to do about it. While at the clinic for Dexter’s check up, she finds out about OUR SERVICE.
  2. She ask the doctors more about it and they pull up OUR SERVICE’S website to learn more.
  3. After careful consideration and discussions with Dexter about it, she signs up for OUR SERVICE.

Scenario 3: Getting Matched and Scheduling

  1. Dexter gets matched with Oliver, who has a sibling with exercise induced asthma. They both enjoy playing video games.
  2. Oliver reaches out to Maggie to set up their first hangout via email.
  3. Dexter and Maggie agree upon a time and location to meet with Dexter.

Scenario 4: In-Person Meeting

  1. Maggie greets Dexter and invites him inside. Oliver spends some time getting to know Maggie and Dexter.
  2. Oliver goes outside with Dexter and they play on the swings and talk.
  3. When it’s time for Oliver to go home, he chats with Maggie a bit. He says that Dexter’s a good kid and Maggie’s happy that Oliver came. Maggie asks if Oliver wants to come over at the same time next week.
  4. Maggie talks to Dexter about Oliver.
  5. Later, both Maggie and Dexter fills out a review of how things went.

Scenario 5: Subsequent Meeting Using Data

  1. Based on the goals that Maggie and Oliver set up during their initial meeting, OUR SERVICE suggest appropriate activities for Oliver and Dexter to do together. OUR SERVICE also considers weather and location data while making these smart recommendations.
  2. For the next meet-up, our service recommends a game of soccer in Schenley park because it supposed to be nice and sunny. And it’s with proximity to both of them.
  3. Oliver and Dexter have a fun game of soccer.

Final Scenarios

Possible Prototypes

  • Website (sign up, how does the matching process work, learn more, setting and tracking goals)
  • Messaging Platform
  • Activity Recommendations
  • Feedback Evaluation Form
  • Some sort of check list for first meeting
  • A bio for mentor and mentee (what information is needed to build trust?)
  • Mentor Online Training
  • The mentor is a walking touchpoint
  • Discovery touchpoint (e.g. posters)

