Your company’s culture and why it matters

Ibrahim AlSuwaidi
Pear Resources
Published in
2 min readFeb 13, 2017

If you think culture will just “happen”, think again. Emergent cultures are more often than not toxic at scale, and you give up one of the best mechanisms of coordination at your startup . Your company’s culture is how people behave when you’re not looking; it’s the operating system of the mind. Be intentional about it — and don’t just post it on a wall, manifest it via rituals, symbols, norms, etc. Culture will happen with or without you; you might as well take control and be intentional about it.

Your company’s culture should reflect:

  1. Your personal values (as founders of a company)
  2. Your vision and intended strategy (going into healthcare? Trust better be a core value.)

If you’re just starting out — root your culture in what matters to you and your co-founders, and make sure this is consistent with what it takes to win in your intended industry. If you’ve been around for a while, you likely already have a culture (whether you were intentional about it or not), document, assess, then modify as required.

Culture is rooted in basic assumptions, value, and norms. This core extends via layers of rituals, heroes, symbols, and other culture artifacts. Culture dimensions of successful startups tend to include:

  1. Autonomy & empowerment
  2. Tolerance of failure
  3. People-focus
  4. Mutual respect
  5. Integrity

Shaping your culture

