Randy Barone to Speak at NADA 2019

Pearl Marketing
Pearl Solutions Blog
2 min readJan 22, 2019

Q: What is the title of your talk, and will you share a couple of highlights?

A: Make Pre-Owned Great Again! Pre-owned net profits are down more than 50% over the last three years. This workshop will give dealers the processes and information to turn that trend around. Dealers have to get away from the status-quo inventory stocking, vehicle acquisition, and pricing strategies that are responsible for the drastic decline in gross profit the last few years. Simply put, dealers need to find new ways to source the right inventory and generate more sales opportunities. I feel very strongly about the relevancy of my workshop and I hope that the dealers who attend are prepared for what it takes to turn these trends around.

Q: Is this your first NADA Show? (If so, what are you looking forward to? If not, how many have you attended, and what makes NADA special?)

A: I have been attending NADA for over 25 years as a manager, GM, owner, exhibitor, and speaker. NADA has a contagious energy that cannot be replicated. Every year I walk the floor and see the latest in technology and products and have my mind blown every single time. NADA is special because it consistently brings the top dealers and vendors in our industry into one place year after year.

Q: What’s the most exciting aspect of working in the automotive industry?

A: My passion is to help mentor dealership personnel to grow from salespeople to managers and challenge dealers that are wanting to stay on top of their game. I want the auto industry to remain the best opportunity for people to earn a great living and take care of their families in the process in a business that is like no other.

Q: Is there anything you’ll make sure to do while in San Fran?

A: This city is so vibrant. The restaurants, parks, museums, music, neighborhoods are totally unique. Every time NADA is held in San Francisco you know you are going to eat at some of the best restaurants in the world. I also enjoy the opportunity to go for a run across the Golden Gate Bridge.

A: I like to help people accomplish their dreams. I take every opportunity to remind dealers that it is their responsibility to grow our business, not just at the dealership level but the industry overall. As an industry, we are starved for good people, so we must invest in growing our talent pool to keep our industry strong for generations to come.

Thursday, Jan 24

Time: 4pm-5pm Room: 3002–3004W

Originally published at www.moderndealership.com on January 22, 2019.

