2,3 M € transferred in PGX tokens — first ever institutional size transaction in digital gold!

Published in
2 min readMay 22, 2019

Today PECUNIO and the TABARAK Investment bank made history, literally. The first ever institutional size deal for digital gold (PGX tokens) has taken place.

An institutional investor has acquired 2,3 Million € worth of PECUNIO Gold Tokens (PGX) from our esteemed partner TABARAK Investment Bank (Dubai).

TABARAK CEO Dr. Mohamed Ahmadi and Investment Director Christian Thurner record the world’s first institutional size Gold Coin transaction, utilizing PECUNIO’s asset backed token protocol.

This is the largest singular deal that has ever been transacted for a gold token, which marks a historic moment in our still young industry.

By digitizing physical gold with the help of Blockchain Technology, PECUNIO and TABARAK Investment Bank made gold transactions fast, cost effective and safe like never before.

Since the advent of BITCOIN, many industry participants have failed to facilitate large scale cross border transactions, mainly because of “traditional” cryptocurrencies’ huge intraday swings. On any given day, BITCOIN and the like can easily shed 10% or more of their value. Far to much for most industry participants to digest.

“You have to somehow hedge the risk of bitcoin. That means it’s not a real currency. That means the receiver is not willing to take the risk of the volatility it has. It’s worthless.”

“To me, it’s garbage, because you can’t get in and out of it in large amounts.”

-Kevin “Shark Tank” O’ Leary about the principal problems with BITCOIN.

Dear Mr. Wonderful, PECUNIO and TABARAK investment bank have good news for you. As of today, we can finally serve your needs by providing a token that is 1:1 backed by segregated, unallocated 999.9 fine gold, and meets all institutional transparency and liquidity requirements.

PECUNIO and TABARAK Investment Bank pave the way for the internet of money 2.0, powered by digital gold.

- Get your share of the future.

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