College Bound

norma alegria
Pedagogical Promise
3 min readApr 27, 2016

Anyone can go to college and thrive!
This blog is to address the problems and issues that exist among education in America. I list and explain some of the barriers that persist, in my paper. For example, the racial and class obstacles that stop some youth from achieving success on their educational journey.
This post is to illustrate one of the many solutions to inadequate education among marginalized communities.
Last semester, I took a class on Social Action with Scott Lipton Meyers. The class mainly consisted of a campaign in which each group would make an attempt to change or implement a policy that would bring social change. My group and I decided that we wanted to help out students in low-income areas get informed and educated on the importance of higher education, whether they thought they would be able to go or not. Our campaign consisted of getting adequate education and resources to kids that struggle financially and attend schools that do not teach them how to properly get a higher education. We focused on elementary schools in a marginalized community in San Jose. This program offers students that lack resources and knowledge on aspiring to obtain higher education. My group and I focused on implementing a tour at San Jose State University that would take the students around campus, showing them all the important parts of the school and show them it is possible for anyone to go to college. This tour would take place once a month and the university would make it mandatory. After several attempts to get Fernanda Perdomo (Director of Campus and Community Relations) on board, she was convinced and helped us implement the tours for the near future. The tour would be given by San Jose State students and they would be paid by the school for their services. The tours would also consist showing the children what the school has to offer and how low-income students can thrive in a college atmosphere.
This tour was very important to me because I grew up in a marginalized community and know exactly how it feels to be underrepresented, lack resources and knowledge needed to know what to do after high school. my life would have been different if I would have had the tools to prepare myself for a higher education. It would have made a dramatic difference if I would have had a college bound program, like the one we tried to start at San Jose State. I would be a in a different place in my life. For example, I would have finished college faster and taken school serious. At a younger age, I would have liked to have put more effort in high school and have been part of programs that could have assisted me in my pursuit of a higher education. Instead of wasting a lot of time trying to figure everything out. I am not trying to devalue what I learned in community college because it all heled me get to where I am but I just wish that there would have been more programs to guide students that lack resources and knowledge, get on the right path. I now reflect on how long it took me to realized how important it is to get a higher education but I’m glad I never gave up.
Next, my group and I went to the elementary school, we noticed that a lot of the students were eager to learn about college, but a lot of them felt that their families knew about the expenses that come with going to college and that placed doubt in their minds. We explained how the tour worked and that they would not pay anything out of pocket. One of the girls from the group got together with the principal and they were able to get free transportation once a month for the tours.
The reason for specifically writing about the college bound program campaign was I noticed that after the semester ended, some of the girls in the campaign lost communication, so the tour is at a standstill. I really wanted to keep it going or at least make sure that someone was going to keep the tours implemented at the university.
Is the college bound tour a good or bad idea?
Should I try to keep it going?

