🚀What is Product Hunt and why should you pay attention? 👍

Pedro De la nube✪
Published in
7 min readApr 13, 2023

Product Hunt is a social platform that has been designed to help startups and entrepreneurs promote their products and services. The platform was founded in 2013 by Ryan Hoover and quickly gained popularity among the startup community. Today, Product Hunt is one of the most widely used platforms for launching new products, connecting with potential customers, and getting feedback from users.

What is Product Hunt?

Product Hunt is a community-driven platform that enables entrepreneurs to showcase their products, get feedback from users, and generate buzz around their brand. It has been designed to help startups and entrepreneurs launch new products and get them noticed by a wider audience.

The platform is essentially a directory of new products that are categorized based on their industry and functionality. It allows users to discover and share new products that they find interesting, and to provide feedback to the creators of these products.

How does Product Hunt work?

Product Hunt operates on a voting system. The more votes a product receives, the higher it will appear in the directory. In order to submit a product, users need to create an account on the platform. Once they have created an account, they can submit their product and provide a brief description of what it does.

After a product has been submitted, other users can vote for it, comment on it, and share it with their network. The more votes a product receives, the more likely it is to be featured on the front page of the platform, which can result in increased visibility and traffic.

Product Hunt also has a dedicated section for job listings, allowing startups to connect with potential employees and freelancers who are interested in working with them.

What are the benefits of using Product Hunt?

Product Hunt provides a number of benefits for startups and entrepreneurs who are looking to promote their products and services. These benefits include:

Increased visibility: Product Hunt can help to increase the visibility of a product by featuring it on the front page of the platform, resulting in increased traffic and exposure.

Feedback from users: The platform enables entrepreneurs to receive feedback from potential users, which can be invaluable in refining their products and services.

Networking opportunities: Product Hunt provides an opportunity for entrepreneurs to connect with other startups and potential customers who are interested in their products.

Validation: A product that receives a high number of votes on Product Hunt can serve as a form of validation, demonstrating to potential investors and customers that there is demand for the product.

Talent acquisition: The job listing section of Product Hunt enables startups to connect with potential employees and freelancers who are interested in working with them.

Small guide to product hunt:

Product Hunt is a community-driven platform that allows startups and entrepreneurs to launch, promote and get feedback on their products. It was founded in 2013 by Ryan Hoover, and has since become a go-to platform for startups looking to gain visibility and traction for their products.

In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about Product Hunt, including how it works, how to use it effectively, and how to maximize its potential for your startup.

Getting started with Product Hunt

To get started with Product Hunt, you’ll need to create an account. You can sign up using your email or social media account. Once you’ve created an account, you can start submitting your products for review.

When submitting your product, make sure to provide a clear and concise description of what your product does. You should also include a logo, a screenshot or video of your product, and a link to your website or app store page.

How Product Hunt works

Product Hunt works on a voting system. Once you’ve submitted your product, other users on the platform can vote for it. The more votes your product receives, the higher it will appear in the Product Hunt directory.

In addition to voting, users can also comment on your product and share it with their network. This can help to increase your product’s visibility and generate buzz around your brand.

How to use Product Hunt effectively

To use Product Hunt effectively, you’ll need to focus on building a community around your product. This means engaging with users who vote for your product, responding to comments, and sharing your product on social media.

You should also consider collaborating with other startups and entrepreneurs on the platform. This can help to increase your exposure and attract new users to your product.

Another important aspect of using Product Hunt effectively is timing. It’s important to submit your product at the right time, when your target audience is most active on the platform. You should also aim to launch your product on a day when there are fewer competing products being launched.

Maximizing the potential of Product Hunt

To maximize the potential of Product Hunt, you’ll need to focus on building a long-term strategy. This means using the platform as a part of your overall marketing and promotion strategy, rather than relying on it as your sole source of traffic and exposure.

You should also aim to build relationships with influential users on the platform, such as top hunters and moderators. These users can help to promote your product and increase your visibility on the platform.

Finally, you should consider using Product Hunt as a tool for user acquisition. By engaging with users who vote for your product and providing them with a great user experience, you can turn them into loyal customers and advocates for your brand.

List use cases for the Product Hunt platform:

Product Launch: The most obvious use case for Product Hunt is to launch your product on the platform. Product Hunt provides a platform for startups to launch and showcase their products to a community of tech enthusiasts and potential customers.

Product Feedback: Product Hunt also provides an excellent platform for startups to receive feedback on their products. By submitting your product to the platform, you can receive feedback from users and industry experts, which can help you improve your product and make it more appealing to potential customers.

User Acquisition: Product Hunt can also be a valuable tool for user acquisition. By engaging with users who vote for your product and providing them with a great user experience, you can turn them into loyal customers and advocates for your brand.

Networking: Product Hunt can be a great platform for networking with other startups, entrepreneurs, and industry experts. By engaging with other users on the platform, you can build relationships and partnerships that can help you grow your business.

Talent Acquisition: Product Hunt is also a great platform for finding and recruiting top talent. By engaging with users who are knowledgeable about your industry, you can identify potential candidates and build a pipeline of talent for your startup.

Market Research: Product Hunt can also be a useful tool for market research. By monitoring the products and trends that are gaining traction on the platform, you can gain insights into the needs and preferences of your target market.

Brand Awareness: Finally, Product Hunt can be an effective tool for building brand awareness. By promoting your product on the platform and engaging with users, you can increase your visibility and generate buzz around your brand, which can help you attract new customers and investors.

List success stories of startups that have used the Product Hunt platform:

Slack: Slack is a popular messaging platform that first launched on Product Hunt in 2013. The product received more than 1,500 upvotes on the platform, and went on to become one of the most successful startups of the past decade, with a current valuation of over $27 billion.

Trello: Trello, a project management tool, was launched on Product Hunt in 2011. The product received more than 1,300 upvotes and went on to become a widely used tool for teams to manage projects.

Robinhood: Robinhood, a commission-free trading app, launched on Product Hunt in 2014. The app received more than 1,000 upvotes and has since grown to become a popular platform for individual investors.

Product Hunt itself: Product Hunt itself is also a success story. The platform has grown from a small community of early adopters to a widely recognized platform for startup launches and product feedback. The company was acquired by AngelList in 2016 for an undisclosed amount.

Superhuman: Superhuman is an email client that was launched on Product Hunt in 2017. The product received more than 700 upvotes and has since grown to become a popular email platform for power users.

Calm: Calm, a meditation and mindfulness app, was launched on Product Hunt in 2014. The product received more than 600 upvotes and has since become one of the most popular meditation apps on the market, with a current valuation of over $2 billion.

Notion: Notion, a productivity and collaboration tool, launched on Product Hunt in 2016. The product received more than 500 upvotes and has since grown to become a widely used tool for teams to manage projects and collaborate on documents.

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Pedro De la nube✪

đź’ˇBusiness Engineer |Unlocking the hidden potential of your business | Experimentation, analysis and flawless execution | Make your company shine on the world!