Live From The Dorm Presents: UIC Ink Words by Pedro and Flynn.

Pedro Gonzalez
Published in
2 min readFeb 25, 2014

Forget about violent video-games, belligerent music and TV dramas, the biggest incentive behind the youth’s erratic behavior is — and always has been — boredom. Having anyone from ages 10 through 25 bored out of their mind with their imagination scrambling around trying to satisfy their thirst for adventure can certainly be a dangerous thing. Nonetheless, we live in a reckless world and there are times when you simply have to roll with the punches. Did I think Flynn getting another tattoo by Brennan in our room was dangerous and borderline idiotic? Yes. But I could see that there was a true meaning behind the whole process as well, so I decided to grab my camera and document our latest bonding experience for our future entertainment.

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In the words of Pedro “Flynn this is stupid…lemme get my camera.” But sometimes you just need to manifest the inside thoughts into physical form. What better way to do this than get a tattoo in your dorm room by an amateur tattoo artist that just happens to be your friend and neighbor. Fuck it. Stick-and-poke, that’s all it is. A sewing needle dipped in oil-black permanent India ink. Poked over and over into my flesh leaving an indelible mark and a lasting memory that will stick with me always.

So we leave you with these photos. Look at them, interpret them as you may. Mischief, misplaced boredom, or ancient bonding rituals we present to you just another night in the HWTWN teams life — UIC INK. Pics after the jump.

