Journey of Gnosis

Transition from ‘the fool’ to ‘the hermit’

Taha Abbas
Peeking into the Unknown
2 min readOct 28, 2020


For millenia, mankind has believed in a higher power, who controls their fate, punishes them for their sins and rewards for living a virtuous life. Those who seek refuge and turn within, often realise that all this time they were looking in the wrong direction.

When a seeker begins questioning their existence, they are introduced to a world that exists under the vast Ocean. One realises that they are one of the infinite thoughts in their own mind, seeking their origin. The microcosm (soul) merges with the macrocosm (I AM). We are here to remember who we are.

There is a mystical tradition exisiting since the beginning of time. Your Spirit has manifested and then evolved into a personality, struggling to know itself and serving it’s reflection. This is how love was born.

From nothingness, to infiniti, you begin the journey of Oneness, that leads to duality. One day,’ two shall become one’, but that will not be the end, but the begininng. This is the dance of life. You were to annihilate within your self.

Understanding ourselves gives us the privelege to understand God. Just as we have a conscience, we also have a lower self. Similarly, the macrocosm, consists of two polarities, the God head and the Devil. From quantum physics, we have learned, how a particle exploded, splitting into the positive and negative charges, thus sustaining life.

We see the opposing force, or darkness, as evil, therefore we fear it, because we do not understand that it exists within us. The same way, we fear the Creator, as we consider it separate from ourselves. As long as one is living in an illusion of separation, they shall remain miserable and search for the One, in different places.

The story of Moses is an archetypal depiction of how a soul travels from ignorance to attain enlightenment. A drop realises it is the Ocean. Pharaoh was corrupt, as he believed himself to be God, whereas, Moses, who was once in ignorance, similar to pharaoh, later, realised that He is God. The difference was of knowing. The former is our intellect, and the latter, is our conscience. We shall only be liberated, when our inner self realises itself, through us. Only then, our old self, shall be melted, taking us to paradise.

“Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens.” — Carl Jung

