What’s New: January 2020

Yasmin Nozari
Peel Insights
Published in
2 min readJan 22, 2020

Release Notes

Happy New Year! We are excited to announce a bunch of features we released at Peel in the past month — many thanks to customer requests. Read on to find out what’s new.


You can now input your monthly/quarterly goals for each KPI. Have a sales/customer acquisition/order/retention/etc. Goal? Add your goals to the Peel dashboard and Peel will monitor how you’re pacing! Throw away the spreadsheets and manual work, Peel does it for you.

Dashboard Update

You can now view your KPIs by the Quarters.

Add Customizations to Daily Report

Want year over year comparisons in your daily reports? Or, are you curious to see how your daily revenue and customer acquisition change day to day? Head to settings to make the change.

Revenue Forecasting

Peel’s forecasting model creates a calculation of the amount of money that a company will receive from sales for the next 3 months on both topline and the top three revenue business segments. The model requires a lot of data for accurate predictions, so revenue forecasting model is not applicable to all companies. The Revenue Forecasting report is sent every Monday — it would be immensely helpful to know if this analysis is valuable to you or not. You can let us know by respond to the buttons at the bottom of the Monday report.

Anomaly Detection

Peel runs detection for your company’s overall revenue and alerts you when there is a dramatic increase or decrease. We will keep tuning our model to send notifications only when appropriate, but please let us know if you’d expect to see more or fewer of them.

For Shopify Stores:

Average Order Value (AOV) & # of Orders KPIs

We are continuously adding more KPIs to make our reporting more relevant to your business. Just like the rest of the KPIs you can view each AOV & Orders by all the segments.

Timezone Change

Peel is now using the timezone of the business in the reporting. Due to an issue on certain Shopify stores, we previously were only reporting in Eastern time.

Shipping Costs

We added Shipping costs into our reporting. It is categorized as a product type segment, so you can easily filter by it. We are happy to introduce gross vs. net sales, let us know if you are interested.

We hope you find these useful! Most of these updates came from customer feedback, so thank you! Keep sharing your ideas, suggestions, and/or complaints to us! hello@peelinsights.com.

We are grateful for your feedback.



Yasmin Nozari
Peel Insights

Cofounder of Peel Insights (https://peelinsights.com). Product Manager & productivity enthusiast. Teach for America alum.