Story of “the nightmare bacteria” that’s putting our children at risk of death.

Robin Singh
Stories from Peepal Farm
2 min readMar 3, 2019

One bacteria from India (dubbed “the nightmare bacteria” by the Centers for Disease Prevention or Control in the US) that has particularly worried scientists has a gene called “New Delhi metallo-beta-lactamase 1”. This gene makes bacteria resistant to regular strong antibiotics and it kills half the patients who develop a blood infection.

The antibiotic — Colistin (Doctors call it the “last hope” antibiotic) is used to treat patients who are critically ill with infections resistant to nearly all other meds.

In India — which is world’s biggest consumer of antibiotics — at least five animal pharma companies openly advertise products containing “Colistin” as “growth promoters”. Also, antibiotics are being used as a cheap substitute for basic nutrition and treatment. Their continued use in farming increases the chance bacteria will develop resistance to Colistin, leaving it useless when treating patients.

One of these companies is also a major poultry producer. Apart from selling animal medicines and creating its own chicken meals, it also supplies meat directly and indirectly to major fast food chains in India.

Traveling to India? Avoid chicken and eggs!



