Under the Peepal!

Diksha Gautam
Published in
3 min readSep 7, 2018

Peepal Design is ISO 27001 certified!! The first and only UX Agency in India to have earned that honour and that needed a big celebration.

The evening was kicked off to a full house with a talk by Sameer Chavan, VP Product Design Spire Technologies on ‘Technology, a catalyst for better experiences’. The talk focussed on futurecasting as a means to visualize the trajectory of technical innovations and how they could be used to design Sensor based user experiences to deliver multimodal interaction designs.

Sameer Chavan, VP Product Design Spire Technologies on ‘Technology, a catalyst for better experiences

Apart from the distinguished guests, the audience had a large number of PeepalDesign alumni and I couldn’t resist the opportunity to talk to them about their experience at Peepal and beyond.

As we partied late into the night, the individual narratives started weaving together into this fascinating picture of the bonds that tie Peepaldesign to its people.

Bonds of friendship

“The fact that so many of us came back to celebrate with PeepalDesign shows how, connected we feel to it.”

The bond they share with Peepal was a common thread that ran through most of my conversations with PeepalDesign Alumni.

Variety is the spice of life …

“Here, at Peepal, I did so many (different) projects and was exposed to so many big clients and research situations, which I don’t get to do much in my new place”

Meeting the expectations of very demanding clients and their aggressive timelines is par for the course at PeepalDesign.

An open and encouraging environment

My feeling that PeepalDesign was an open and encouraging environment to learn and contribute was abundantly validated when I heard an ex-employee mention that everyone at PeepalDesign is welcoming and approachable.

“I have always liked how the hierarchy here is so diffused. Even the people at the topmost positions are always willing to help. The environment here is so chilled out.”

A fun place to work

When work is fun and you have great company, even the most difficult tasks seem like a breeze.

“I really miss the friends I made here. Work was so much fun ; we played music while at work and had long chats during lunch.”

Kickstarting Careers

“I owe PeepalDesign for my journey as a designer; when I began I came in as an artist and visual designer, becoming a UI designer was due to my time at PeepalDesign.”

Many people actually felt that they owe their skills as a researcher or a designer to Peepal and that it has given a great kick-start to their career.

It’s been a Big switch…

On being asked how the switch has been from working in an agency to working for a product company, some ex-employees mentioned that the work they do at their current company is much different from what they did at Peepal, but the skills they developed here are definitely helping them currently.
It was an absolute delight meeting and chatting with our old colleagues. Their interesting insights from them made our evening even more joyful!

