What Does it Take to Become a UX Researcher at PeepalDesign? Part 1

Vishaka Kumar
Published in
4 min readJun 8, 2022
Photo by Josh Boak on Unsplash

Listed as one of 2022’s rising careers both, in India and the US, we find ourselves meeting so many of you who are curious about becoming a UX researcher. Not sure where to begin? We, have got you covered!

Source: LinkedIn Jobs on the Rise 2022: The 15 roles that are growing in demand in India

So we chatted with a few “people” at Peepal and have collected some tips and tricks on how to prepare for your first steps into the industry.

Who can become a UX Researcher?

In a relatively young and multidisciplinary industry like UX, no one’s professional journey looks the same. UX researchers at PeepalDesign have academic backgrounds in sociology, psychology, communications, design, and engineering etc. but there are some key skills and passions that we have in common.

“I just loved everything!” said Ritika about her undergraduate experience at NIFT where she graduated with a Bachelor of Design. Although she was initially interested in fashion she pivoted towards design research after being introduced to courses in communication design. From a few internship experiences, Ritika decided that she wanted to work in a field that combined her interests and skills in design, ethnographic research, and the desire to make a change in the world.

Shashank, a chemical engineer who initially worked for a B2B market research firm discovered his strength in just being able to talk to people. “Through the expert interviews I conducted with senior management in the chemical industry, I realized I was good at connecting with and drawing out information from people who were otherwise very busy and didn’t have a lot of time to spare”. After some research, he connected with us over LinkedIn and joined us as a UX research intern.

For Rabeeza, who graduated with an MA in clinical psychology from TISS, the path towards UX was slightly more planned out, having learned about how Ph.D. scholars in psychology were moving to UX research. She ended up completing UX research learning modules available on Coursera and Udemy and also referred to sources on LinkedIn and the NN/g website.

A Day In the Life…

When asked what a typical day for our UX researchers looked like they were all quick to respond that every day at Peepal Design was a new adventure for them. “Every project is different and though you have to go through the stages of recruitment, moderation, analysis and reporting you can’t perform these tasks in the same way for every assignment,” says Shashank. He also finds that working with different leads and mentors at Peepal helps him pick up and apply new learnings from every project.

Ritika’s response to what a day in the life looks for her was “which day are you talking about?”. She loves the absence of monotony in her role but did state that the only recurring task she does is- always asking “why?”.

At Peepal Design, we conduct a range of research methodologies such as cultural immersions, diary studies, usability tests, exploratory research, and more for leading tech companies, consultancies, and non-for-profit organizations. So your tasks for the day depend on which stage of the project you are in:

  1. Pre-fieldwork preparation,
  2. Fieldwork
  3. Post-fieldwork analysis and reporting

Where Do I Start?

Whether you were previously employed in a UX research position, have just graduated from a course, or have been thinking of pivoting careers, we’ve got a few tips on how to take your first steps.

Probe and Prepare

Find out about industry best practices, what tasks are involved, and which organizations are currently the big players in the industry. This can help you understand what roles and opportunities you might be interested in. You can use these resources to begin:

Network with Folks in the Field

Reach out to seniors or professionals in the field to better understand how they got started and what opportunities are out there. You can also drop us a message on LinkedIn and we’ll be happy to connect.

Reflect on Past Experiences

Identify your skills, interests, and past projects that led you to become interested in UX research. This will help you understand where you need to upskill and give clarity on the roles and organizations you want to work in.

We hope this gave you an overview on how to start thinking about a career in UX research at Peepal Design. Our most important requirement from you is to always stay curious, passionate, and open-minded. It is an exciting time to be part of the UX world and we look forward to you joining us on this journey!

