The First Solar Panels NFTs

Peer2Panel Officially launched on Polygon

Aurelien Pelissier
4 min readOct 21, 2022


538 Panels were installed on top of a hospital in Colombia by our partner The generated electricity is sold directly to the hospital, through a purchase agreement of 20 years, and Peer2Panel aqcuired and tokenized 10% of the panels. They are now listed on the P2P market place

The annual return (IRR) for this installation is 14%.

SolarT tokens

A SolarT token is an ERC721 token (NFT) representing the ownership of a unique physical solar panels (thus non fungible). A new token is minted for each new solar panel acquired and installed by Peer2Panel or its partners.

When will I receive payment after I buy a SolarT token ?

The panels were connected to the grid officially on Saturday, Oct 22nd. Payments from the generated electricity will be sent directly to the SolarT holder’s wallet the first of every month, starting December 2022. Monthly income is expected to be around 5USD per panel (floor price of 420USD per panel). After 240 payments (20 years), the panels will be given for free to the hospital and payments will stop.

How will the value of my SolarT token change after each payment ?

The value of your panel depreciates slightly after each monthly payment, until it is worth zero after the last payment. While the panel’s value decreases, your total portfolio value (Panel value + Monthly return) will always be a ~1% increase from the previous month panel’s value.

The portfolio’s growth is slower towards the end of the contract because the monthly portfolio’s return is always proportional to the panel’s value. Towards the end of the contract, the SolarT token depreciated significantly and the growth of your portfolio is thus slowed down proportionally. You can refer to the whitepaper for details about the pricing model.

Can I compound the profit of my investment ?

You can avoid the slow-down of your profit by compounding your income, which can make a big difference on your portfolio’s growth, especially on the long run. We will propose an automatic compounding service in the future. But for now, you can simply reinvest your generated profit to other projects in Defi.

Why is a crowdfunding platform for solar installations in emerging countries. It has already crowdfunded and installed more than 20 Solar projects across Colombia. They share our vision and enthusiast in blockchain and crypto-currency, and within the past 5 years, they have always delivered and kept their promise.

Why not buy directly on website ?

Currently, is only accessible to Colombian citizens and requires ID verification. Investments and payments are made directly in Colombian pesos (COP). More importantly, it is not possible to easily exit your investment, and withdrawing profits from the platform have fees. By going through our marketplace, you do not have to deal with all these hassles.

Solar Installation details

The Solar farm accumulates a power of 271.7 kWp. Thanks to a state of the art panel technology, a flat angle and a sunny location near the Equator, the specific production reaches 3.7 kWh/kWp (for comparison, it’s typically around 1 in France or Germany). The purchase agreement with the hospital is $322COP/kWh (Yearly adjustement for inflation).

Full information (requires login with metamask):

Solar panels on top of the Clínica Somer in Rionegro, Colombia. Every tiny bit of room on the roof was used : )
Solar panels on top of the Clínica Somer in Rionegro, Colombia. Aerial view


If you would like to learn more about our Defi applications, the buisness model, and the tokenomics of Peer2Panel, feel free to check out our website and whitepaper.

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Aurelien Pelissier

PhD in AI & Healthcare @IBMResearch | MSc in Quantum physics | Crypto trader & Blockchain enthusiast | Web3 smart contract developer.