5 Strategies for Website Monetization and Content Earning (with Guarantee)

Mr. Smith


Do you remember how it became trendy to have a blog on LiveJournal in the 2010s. That was a moment when the term “content overdose” was coined. It was also the time of easy website monetization.

Today, the Internet is stuffing us with content like turkeys before Thanksgiving. It’s much rarer not to have a website than to have it. Websites are made for birds and bees. They are created by graphic designers, IT specialists, doctors, teachers and even your grandparents :)

No one is impressed anymore when you enter a friend’s name into Google search and a landing page generated on Wix appears on the first search page.

All of these factors make it much more difficult to monetize your website. Today we bring to your attention several time-tested strategies for website monetization.

Tip 1: Publish Sponsored Content.

Example of a Netflix-sponsored article in The New York Times promoting Orange Is The New Black

One of the easiest ways to turn your website into an effective moneymaker is by providing sponsored content.

All you have to do is find a product or service that matches the rest of your content and negotiate a price with the advertisers. Of course, the price depends on your coverage and quality, but in most cases, sponsored content is a good opportunity to monetize even unmade websites.

There are different types of sponsored posts that you can work with. For example, a simple mention of a product you are promoting, or a complete 1000-character professional review. Choose for yourself.

It is important here not to impose anything on the audience. Good organic sponsored content is based on genuine interest, not forced sales. You are not promoting the product — you are sharing your brand experience with your readers. The essence, I think, is clear.

Tip 2: Become an Affiliate

BestCovery is a well-known resource for product reviews. The site allows you to find the best products in any category with just a few clicks. Almost every product article contains an affiliate link — a great example of simple monetization.

If the first option, which we have offered, seems too difficult for you, look closer at the second one. Affiliate marketing is the easiest and laziest way to monetize a website for a hefty profit.

Monetizing a website with affiliate links basically consists of two things: choosing the offer you want to promote and inserting a link with your unique code into the website. Whereas sponsored content requires you to write long snippets of text to promote a single deal. With affiliate links, you can advertise as many products as you like in a single offer.

When people click on your referral link and appear on the offer page, you will receive a conversion commission.

Sometimes the conversion goal is not even a purchase. Just visiting a website or filling out a contact form will be enough for you to make a profit. It all depends on the type of offer you have chosen.

But how to find the right offer for you? One option is to sign up with an affiliate network and find the offers that suit you best.

In the last article we listed the 15 best affiliate networks. So just follow the link and pick the best for you.

Working with an affiliate network, you can face some limitations on choosing. Affiliate networks are usually focused only on a certain niche or a certain type of advertising.

Use a tracker

If you’re looking for more flexibility but still want to extract the maximum benefit from the affiliate links in your website content — use an ad tracker like PeerClick.

With the help of PeerClick you can compare the effectiveness of offers. Choose the most relevant audience (also known as traffic) that will go through your site. And even automate this process, PeerClick will take care about traffic distribution and manage advertising campaigns for you.

Click here if you want to learn more about how PeerClick can help you monetize your website!

Tip 3: Selling Ad Space

The Natural History Museum ad at the top of the page buys ad space sold by Forbes.

As part of this website monetization strategy, you are not creating advertising content. Instead, you allow others to use your website as a platform to promote their products. Think of it like a billboard on a private property. You simply provide space by charging a fee from those who want to accommodate.

Minimal investment is required on your part. You are simply selling website space and giving marketers and affiliates from all over the world a possibility to fill your site.

You can also contact the affiliate network as a webmaster and offer your site, then the work will be done without your participation. The space on your site will be put up for sale for you. Another way is to ask Google for help. Find the best ads through Adsense, and get even more revenue.

Tip 4: Start a Paid Subscription on the Site.

AffLIFT Forum membership costs depend on the duration of the subscription and the amount of platform resources you intend to use.

If you are going to put all your energy into creating quality content that will definitely be useful to users, it makes sense to charge customers for being part of your community! It is worth developing your own monetization strategy on weekly, monthly or annual subscriptions and monitor not only traffic and demand for content, but also the growth of profits.

Sounds great, doesn’t it? Unfortunately, not everything is so simple. This method of monetization can work only if you provide valuable content. People should be willing to give money for the information you offer. Perhaps you should think about creating a thematic forum with a narrow specialization, but great potential.

Also check out Shutterstock (a US-based company that provides stock photos, videos and music, and editing tools) and Kindle Unlimited (an online ebook store operated by Amazon through its retail website).

The sites above have monetized paid membership subscriptions very smartly. You can go beyond stock photos or e-books. Take a look at Think Masterclass, where people pay to learn from the industry giants. Also looking for ideas, you should pay attention to closed communities and forums, such as AffLIFT, where you get access to educational materials and closed groups to connect with experts and colleagues.

In modern reality, it is always worth remembering the basic rule of doing business. If you are good at something, never do it for free.

Tip 5: Use Your Website to Sell Products

Pandora store as an example of an online store

What could be more obvious than monetizing a website through the sale of goods? There are three ways to monetize your website by selling products:

  • Create a digital product
  • Open an e-commerce store
  • Dropshipping

Without going into details, let’s look through the key points of each solution.

Digital product creation

This method is really similar to a paid membership strategy, except for one big difference: instead of charging your website visitors a recurring fee, you get a one-time payment. Let’s say you’ve written an e-book and you want people to pay for it.

If you are productive enough to create at least one eBook every month — you can charge people to access the membership. But if it takes too much time and effort to write a book, and you are not sure if you will write something else, it makes more sense to sell the book at once.

E-commerce business

Over the past 10 years, e-commerce has been one of the fastest growing retail segments. There are thousands of online retailers around the world and it is estimated that sellers open 20,000 new e-commerce shops every week. This way of monetizing requires a lot of effort and entrepreneurial thinking. To launch an online shop, you can use Shopify or invest in developing your own WordPress or Wix website. It is worth preparing for difficulties, because this method involves the sale of goods of our own production

If you are going to sell unique products (for example, handmade crafts, Christmas wreaths, or hand-made candles), then you should not think only about monetization and marketing. If a product is made with soul and there is a part of you in it, a good reputation will be spreaded much faster than any paid ad.

Earnings on dropshipping

Making money on dropshipping is very similar to the previous idea. You can also launch your store on Shopify. The only difference is that you don’t need to produce anything. Instead, you are reselling products created by someone else. Much like Amazon. That’s all.

The success of your monetization will directly depend on the success of your product. Website traffic will be determined by a smart investment in advertising. But how can you achieve this and reach the maximum profit? Analyzing every aspect of your work! The tracker will help you here. On our own behalf, we can advise PeerClick, it will help optimize advertising campaigns, analyze traffic sent to the site, choose the best geo and audience for work. Just create an advertising company with your own offer and website.

Mix and match, but don’t forget to test

There are other strategies for monetizing websites. The versatility of the above-mentioned five methods is that you can combine and complement them as you like.

Launching an e-commerce website doesn’t stop you from placing a paid membership blog with a unique style or gift guides for your subscribers.

Try adding a product review page where you can also insert a couple of sponsored articles and affiliate links. Sign up with AdSense and ad networks to sell your web space to advertisers. This way, you can promote even more deals and turn your small website into an advertising platform.

These are not all possible options, we are sure that you have your own ideas on this matter. Just don’t forget about analytics and testing. So your efforts will definitely not be in vain. You already know the best way to do this.

Sign up to PeerClick and launch your first ad campaign with our handy beginner guides.



Mr. Smith

Affiliate marketing advice & case studies to help you market ethically, authentically, and efficiently.